Pray For Paul, Y’all

April 27, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Somebody please send Paul Ryan a hand basket. He’s gonna need  it for the ride.

Referring to the GOP’s Tax bill, the House Chaplin prayed …“May all members be mindful that the institutions and structures of our great nation guarantee the opportunities that have allowed some to achieve great success, while others continue to struggle,” Conroy said at the time. “May their efforts these days guarantee that there are not winners and losers under new tax laws, but benefits balanced and shared by all Americans.”

Ryan fired him immediately, saying, “Padre, you just got to stay out of politics.”

In other words, “Yes, Father, there is no morality or decency left in politics and we’d like you to keep it that way.”

I hear that Ryan is looking for a priest from the Pious Sanctuary Church of Gordon Gekko.


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