Pottery Barn Terrorists
by Primo Encarnación
SO, here’s what we know about Robert L. Dear, the Planned Parenthood terrorist, so far: old, white, southern, male, Christian (read his bible “cover-to-cover-to-cover” per his ex), conservative, gun owner, conspiracy theorist (cover your roof in metal to save you from government?) who handed out anti-Obama leaflets to strangers and claimed “no more body parts” during his arrest. And he was also cruel to animals, shot a dog, lived in a shack in the woods without electricity or water, hid food prepper-style, defenestrated his wife and peeped in on his neighbor lady, then headed to a trailer in MiddleOfNowhere, Colorado, with a woman he met online. And he thinks a shootin’ war against his enemies is the answer.
All clear prima facie evidence of mental incapacitation, except for the “old, white, southern, male” part, that’s just gravy.
Throughout the Right Wing Nutjob-o-sphere, they are seizing on any odd detail or rumor to make this man liberal, a drug addict (because he likes pot), or transgender (because he checked off the wrong sex on his voter registration) or just a vanilla maniac who descended from the woods and started shooting. This after they tried to claim he was a bank-robber who fled to PP afterwards, all while claiming that the “body parts” hoax is actually true, but had nothing to do with the crime. These are Olympic-caliber mental gymnastics in the service of confirmation bias.
Ain’t cognitive dissonance a bitch?
The vehemence bordering hysteria with which they thrust this man away from themselves belies the horrible verdict that fair-minded people will reach: the Right Wing created Rob Dear, put the gun in his hand and shoved him toward Planned Parenthood.
Stochastic terrorism is the mechanism by which so-called lone wolves like Dear became, in fact, the product of relentless programming specifically designed to radicalize malcontents to action. I recommend you all follow the link, and this one, as together they are a damning indictment not just of the Right, but of the weakly compliant and meekly complicit media who succumb to both-siderism out of fear and/or laziness.
The media must be made to acknowledge that, in fact, the radical Christo-fascists are creating a bunker-mentality army of “lone wolves” and anyone who stands idly by, or worse yet, actively encourages the hate-propaganda is complicit in these murders. The minute the Republican leadership started fawning over Rush Limbaugh in the 90s, rather than ostracizing him and his ilk, is the minute America started down this slippery slope of legitimizing hate and fomenting terror. Lately, their false victimhood has extended to claims that there’s a war on christians. If that’s true, how come they’re the only ones doing the shooting?
The Right broke Robert Dear; the Right bought him.