Pot, Meet Kettle

April 20, 2021 By: Nick Carraway Category: Uncategorized

Growing up in Texas with two native Texans as parents has given me a wealth of old home sayings to fall back on in times like this. I find myself using them in class all the time and the students always snicker. I’m usually not sure if it is an age thing or a regional dialect thing. However, the phrase, “the pot calling the kettle black” just seems to be ringing in my ear.

Majorie Taylor Greene wants Maxine Waters expelled from Congress. God bless her heart. There are just some people that have been blessed without self-awareness. Greene is lucky to be in Congress and hopefully the good people of her state will get rid of her at the first opportunity. The House certainly could have expelled her and if they weren’t so divided between Q and progressive they probably would have.

At the heart of it all are supposed comments that Waters has made and a mistaken belief by many in this country. Greene cited that Waters is “inciting riots and Black Lives Matters terrorism.” Except, Black Lives Matter aren’t terrorists. Certainly, you don’t have to like them or their methods, but anyone calling them terrorists is obviously off their rocker. Of course, that’s no surprise when it comes to Greene.

As I write this, there has been no verdict in the Chauvin murder case. Yet, one cannot deny that this is one of those moments where we get to define our soul as a nation. Either we are for equal justice under the law or we aren’t. We are either for holding everyone accountable for their actions or we aren’t. While the verdict may or may not reflect our personal values, it is a moment that will take the temperature of the country at large.

The Rodney King event and subsequent trial happened when I was a teenager. I remember those same excuses then as we hear now. He was high. He was a criminal. He was dangerous. Heck, he didn’t die. Bones mend and bruises heal. He should consider himself lucky. One can only imagine the rage of hearing many of those same things 30 years later. One can only imagine the rage of seeing a country make almost no meaningful improvements in race relations with the police. Maybe those of us that want to judge that rage (MTG) can take a step back and try to understand where it is coming from. At least then we can save our own souls even if the collective one might be too far gone.

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0 Comments to “Pot, Meet Kettle”

  1. *the pot calling the kettle black* is old. Did a quick search


  2. And this: Joy-Ann Pro-Democracy & Masks Reid
    Hi congressman. Anything on censuring your members for trying to create a white nationalist caucus? Or what about Matt Gaetz, given the very serious investigation relating to him? He’s still on Judiciary, right?

  3. Steve from Beaverton says:

    After the judge publicly gave the defense a reason to file a motion for a mistrial is worse than what Maxine Waters said in a moment of understandable emotion. How will he react if there’s a guilty verdict and the defense does file a motion for a mistrial? I think he’s already made his ruling with his comments. That will be a travesty of justice. I’m very concerned.

  4. Harry Eagar says:

    Judge is under a lot of stress. I imagine h wishes he could take that back.

  5. Grandma Ada says:

    This is why I’m glad we have an administration full of intelligent people and led by a man who is “busier than a one-legged man at a kicking contest.” Someone will be unhappy no matter the verdict, but at least I don’t think Biden will pour gasoline on any fires.

  6. Teh Gerg says:

    If it wasn’t for blatant hypocrisy, RWNJ Republicans would have nothing to say at all.

  7. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Here we go. Verdict to be read soon.

  8. The Chauvin verdict is in and should be read within the next 30-45 minutes. I live in Minneapolis and am afraid of what may happen in our city once the verdict is announced, no matter the decision. The National Guard is here. Besides Minnesota law enforcement agencies, state police from Ohio and other states are here to help keep the peace. Prayers and good thoughts are welcome and will be deeply appreciated. Thank you all!
    Claudia in Minneapolis

  9. megasoid says:

    Unanimous on all counts. One of the commentators named Rhonda stated that Chauvin went “Rogue.” saying, ‘he was the training instructor in charge.’

  10. Buttermilk Sky says:

    I’m happy justice was done and happy for my friend in St. Paul, who was worried about her own safety if it hadn’t been.

    Nick Carraway, I remember Rodney King. His assault was recorded on a video camera, long before everybody had a camera phone, and it was shocking. As Will Smith said, “Racism is not getting worse, it’s getting filmed.” It wasn’t all the experts that convinced the jury today. It was that video.

  11. megasoid says:

    Redline: ‘Jubilation? We don’t do that here…’
    Fox&Frets ~ host’s colleagues were stunned by his reactions to the Derek Chauvin trial verdict
    Edit: ”I’m at least being honest,” Greg Gutfeld said. defending himself. “My neighborhood was looted, I don’t ever want to go through that again.”

    Edit: Jeanine Pirro replied, saying, “Greg, Greg, we do not sacrifice individuals, for the sake, of having people feel…”
    Scroll down for groaning angst and various other chicken coop clucking.
