Postcards From the Bunker

June 01, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Trump had a  teleconference with governors, law enforcement, and national security officials and little spittle things started foaming at the sides of his mouth.



Oh yeah, he wants blood. He wants human sacrifice on the alter of some damn glittery flashing neon TRUMP sign.  He wants our children killing our children.

Trump was described by one person on the call as “losing it,” with another saying the president called the governors “fools” and expressed anger with Democratic mayors in particular over the protests and unrest ravaging cities nationwide.

How would you know that Trump’s “losing it?” Seriously, what’s the difference? Hell, I don’t even what what ‘it” is any more.  This guy is totally out of whack.

It’s reported that Trump seemed obsessed with “antifa,” without understanding what it is.  He also claimed to have “intelligence showing” who the “bad actors” and professional instigators are but didn’t know who, what , when, where, how, or what the hell.  I suspect it’s the same place where he claims to have proof that President Obama was born in Kenya.

Trump also asked states to enact laws against flag burning in what the source described as “a rant.”  Did you see any flag burning?  I did not. I guess that only happened in the bunker.

Best I can figure, he’s not calling for reconciliation, coming together, protecting the constitution, or appearing outdoors.  Best I can figure, he’s a little whipped dog asking her puppies to go protect her.


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0 Comments to “Postcards From the Bunker”

  1. Trump must have wet and brown stains in his oversized undershorts. Its been a long time since I’ve seen a carbon based entity
    so very freaked out. A few hundred twenty-something kids protesting at the WH ended any sanity he was storing up in the box beside his twitter hand.

    Maybe he should leave the WH and go golfing.

  2. maryelle says:

    How fitting that Captain Bone Spurs hides in the basement, cowering and afraid while chaos reigns. Pretty much sums up his presidency.

  3. BarbinDC says:

    DC Mayor Bowser had a news conference today–with the police chief, fire chief, and head of the public health department–to announce that there will be a city-wide curfew today and tomorrow from 7 pm to 7am. She obviously has no further use of Needy Amin.

    They were all calm and forthright and answered all the questions calmly and forthrightly. They were standing outside in front of tents set up to test for the coronavirus. Have you noticed just how good those black, Democratic, female, big-city mayors are at their jobs–particularly in the dual crises of pandemic and protest?

    The comparison between them and His Heinous is just hilarious. It must drive him nuts. Bless ’em all!

  4. Police arrest criminals.
    They are not Judge, jury and executioners.

    Neither are Governors.
    Trump thinks he is a dictator and has powers beyond what is written in the Constitution.
    He believes he is above the law.
    Those who do not see this are blind and complicit.
    Republicans better wake up; not only may they lose in the next election, their party may implode.

  5. Grandma Ada says:

    I don’t agree with the rioting however I do understand it. How many times have any of us raised our voices and said, “Listen to me!” Even with all this happening, his majesty still just doesn’t get it.

  6. twocrows says:

    OK, I’m going to depart from my usual Trump rant this time:

    Today, I saw Michael Steele on the TV machine. He was going on and on and on about what a shocker this is. Wow! Who would have guessed the Republican party would have come to this?

    Who could possibly have guessed they would stand with murderers?

    Who could have guessed they would stand against the Constitution and worked their tails off to see to it that the people were not allowed to vote?

    Who the hell could have seen THIS coming?

    Apparently just every person on earth except Michael Steele.

  7. twocrows says:

    Grandma Ada @ 5:
    Virtually across the board, those people who are engaging in rioting and the burning of buildings are not the protesters.

    These are people who are taking advantage of the situation for their own ends. They want a race war. They want the blacks blamed for the riots. They ultimately want to take down the government altogether.

    The governors have gone on record. They understand that the protesters, generally speaking, obey the curfews and go home at night.
    And that is when the violence begins. That’s when the people with weapons and incendiary devices turn up. After the protesters have left for the night.

    Two different movements are happening here and the nighttime movement wants us to be confused about what is going on.

  8. Buttermilk Sky says:

    Ninety-nine years ago a white mob burned the Greenwood section of Tulsa and killed at least 300 people. The ostensible reason was a black man “assaulting” a white woman, but actually Greenwood, known as “the black Wall Street,” was too successful, too prosperous, too uppity. No one was ever punished, no one was ever compensated.

    We’ve come a long way, haven’t we?

  9. “We need to dominate the battlespace.” “The sooner you do, the sooner we can return to the right normal.” Defense Secretary Esper in the conference call with governors.

    When I heard this quote reported, I really didn’t believe it. I went and listened to the recording and, sure nuff, he said it.

  10. “He also claimed to have “intelligence showing” who the “bad actors” and professional instigators are”
    Yeah? I doubt that, because when intelligence informs him that the many of the actual violent people are the white supremacists and other such scum determined to paint the protesters as violent “thugs”, that will be the last we hear of hunting down the “bad actors” and “professional instigators.”

  11. I’m in a time warp. I am now in my hippy days in 1968 protesting an unjust war. Why do I keep hearing theme from Twilight Zone?

  12. weakgrip says:

    every soldier we deploy in the United States is one less that can be deployed overseas against our real enemies. With support staff probably 3x multiplier.
    I assume Trump will commission a challenge coin, and design a medal with an orange ribbon.

  13. Elizabeth Moon says:

    I don’t know if, with the politicization of the military that followed ‘Nam and the end of the draft, this is even still taught to recruits, officer candidates, and military academy cadets…but WE were taught, in OCS, why our oath was to uphold and protect the Constitution (not the flag, and not any senior officer, no matter how senior, up to and including the president, if said commander gave an illegal order.) I hope and pray there are still senior officers around who were taught that, and took it to heart, and love their country more than their career.

    If the president orders the military to fire on American citizens…especially when engaged in using their Constitutional right to demonstrate peacefully that is an illegal order. The correct form for refusing an illegal order was given our military law class (and may be in the UCMJ though I don’t have a copy to hand) as “With all due respect [rank & name] l that is an illegal order and I respectfully refuse to obey it.” A citation of the law that’s being broken is appropriate, if you know it.

    We were taught our responsibility to refuse illegal orders if they were given and the senior refused to retract it, even though the consequences would land on us at least temporarily. Refusing an order is a court-martial offense, and the court-martial is what determines whether or not it is…so you’re going to be up before a court, and if you’re wrong, you’re toast. If you’re right, the person who gave the illegal order will face their own court martial. (My husband, then an O-1, in ‘Nam, told an O-5 that a certain order was illegal…the guy retracted it–he *knew* already it was illegal…and gave my husband a crap report the next time around. R- didn’t care; he did the right thing and he hadn’t planned on a career in the Army.)

  14. E.A. Blair says:

    4 U.S. Code § 8(k): The flag, when it is in such condition that it is no longer a fitting emblem for display, should be destroyed in a dignified way, preferably by burning.
