Poor Ted
So remember when Beto O’Rourke and Willie Nelson drew between 55,000 – 60,000 people to an outdoor venue a couple of weeks ago? And then, true to his nature, Trump stands up and boasts that he’s going to give Ted a rally in the “the biggest stadium in Texas we can find.”
Trump forgot he was talking about Texas. They must not be very good hunters. Or, they must be little scary cats.
They have booked the rally at NRG Arena in Houston, which holds 8,000 people. Hell, it’s even smaller than your average high school football stadium. Honey, we have a high school football stadium in Odessa, Texas, that holds almost 18,000 people and you’ve never even heard of Odessa, Texas.
So, Trump revises and says it’s the largest venue they could find in Houston. I do not even believe that. The rally is on a Monday night, it’s not even a weekend. Second, why does it have to be in Houston? Houston is a heavily Democratic city so they’re gonna have to bus-in people.
One other thing. Richard Linkletter is directing some anti-Cruz commercials in Texas that are getting national attention. Please meet Sonny Carl hitting hard.
And this one hit today. Cruz called Beto a “triple meat Whataburger liberal.” It was bizarre from the start because Whataburger is a beloved institution in Texas.
I can’t wait to see the next one.