Poor Ole Mitt

July 24, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Dang, at some point you gotta start feeling sorry for this guy.

I ain’t there yet.

I’m still in the giggling stage of Good Grief!

So Romney gets all freaked out when Obama says that none of us is an island.  Romney goes out and finds some dude to cut a commercial saying this he and his Daddy built their business all by themselves with no help from the govment.  You can see it here.

Come to find out, this same dude in the commercial is practically a welfare boss and a giant hypocrite.

1) In 1999, the company received $800,000 in tax-exempt revenue bonds “to set up a second manufacturing plant and purchase equipment to produce high definition television broadcasting equipment.”

2) In the 1980s , Gilchrist Metal Fabricating obtained a U.S. Small Business Administration loan of around $500,000

3) Gilchrist Metal Fabricating has received several sub-contracts.  Last year, a sub-contract from the U.S. Navy  totaling about $83,000 and a smaller, $5,600 from the Coast Guard

And how does Mr. Gilchrist explain this?

“I’m not going to turn a blind eye because the money came from the government,” he said. “As far as I’m concerned, I’m getting some of my tax money back.

“I’m not stupid, I’m not going to say ‘no.’ Shame on me if I didn’t use what’s available,” he said. “As a matter of fact, right now, I’m driving on a road.

Getting some of your tax money back, huh?  How do you know that wasn’t Thelma’s money you were getting, dude?  Thelma works hard for her money.  Being the Texas Chainsaw Manicurist is not an easy job.  Thelma says she didn’t get no military sub contract or government loan, although she seriously considered opening a tattoo parlor near a naval base.

Thelma may be a lot of things but Thelma votes Democratic because she ain’t no hypocrite.  By the way, she also drives on public roads to get to work.  Roads that she did not build with her own two hands.  Road work is hell on manicures, babe.

Thanks to mb for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Poor Ole Mitt”

  1. I don’t think the problem here is a blind eye. Seems to be an empty head, a lack of ethics, and an inflated sense of entitlement.

  2. Sgt Mike in Commerce says:

    @LynnN: You are so right.

    Let me add to the rant…
    I may live in Zombieland, Texas, but our tax dollars pay for 24×7 full function police department, professional (as opposed to volunteer) firefighters (and and ISO rating of 2) and fully EMT staffed MICU. All are city employees, not the employees of city contractors.

    The streets have a few potholes but they are passable in all variety of Texas weather. Street lights brighten the night. We have more than one working traffic light. The streets are uniquely named and individually signed. And this necessary infrastructure was all a public-private collaboration. Taxes collected by the city paid for it all. City employees and private contractors did all the work, from original construction to everyday M&O.

    Can you imagine what a total CF it would be if the guy across the street owned the street and operated the street with a profit motive? A toll street with parking meters he enforced 24×7?

    WHat about if you called 9-1-1 and they asked for a credit check before they dispatched fire, police, or EMS?

    Don;t any of these folks have more than one functioning synapse?

  3. Sadly, this is the same reasoning Cheney used in the VP debates about how he got rich with no help from the Government. You remember Cheney: former Congressman and Sect. DOD who used his influence to get appointed to CEO/Chairman of Haliburton where he made more money than God thanks in no small part to guvment contracts, then payed them back (Haliburton, not the guvment) by granting no-compete status to all their guvment contracts during Bush’s War against whatever was the flavor of the week. Damn! I do hold a grudge!

  4. Sgt Mike in Commerce says:

    @Robert and everyone else that feels his pain: try to hold on to that memory when you go to the polls in Novmeber.

  5. Lorraine in Spring says:

    @Sgt Mike: NO. They don’t.

    I’d like to ask these idiots how long it took them to mine the materials, process them, and build them into a working telephone, PC, software etc…Also, how long did it take for them to make and install the global telecomm network? The transmission & distribution of electric lines? The Nuke plant that provides power? And did they get blisters or callouses from all that manual labor?

    Yea, Mitt, the Koch Bros, Aldelson, all the Richie Riches in American built this entire country and everything in it all by themselves.

    I say, since they’re so multi-talented, they should build their own kingdom to rule. It should be somewhere offshore closer to all their money.

  6. I watched that speech taken out of context and our President, by reminding us that we don’t do it alone, continued to speak on about the pride we have knowing we are all in this together and how linked one industry is to another…Good Grief!!

  7. aggieland liz says:

    Cheney is on my “he needs to be killed” list.

  8. publius bolonius says:

    @aggieland liz

    Careful there. It’s reeeeally hard to kill a vampire.

  9. Might I recomend this video of Elizabeth Warren on the Debt Crisis, Taxation and Fairness (one minute in).


    It is all about the Social Contract.

  10. Anyone see this – I think on Lawrence O’Donnel, but I might be wrong. I hope it goes viral!!


    I sent this to my cousin who is one of those relatives that can’t seem to think critically.

  11. Oh noes, Romney just addressed the veterans of foreign wars, he told them how strong he was and how weak Obama is. Do you think he has lost it even talking to them -or perhaps he thinks a two year trip to Paris when he was supposed to go to Vietnam counts as military service?

  12. Corinne Sabo says:

    Even before the handout, did the guy use U.S. currency to buy or pay for anything? Isn’t that issued by the government? And that’s just for starters.

  13. I would bet cash money that Mr. Gilchrist is one of those small business owners who runs about a third of his personal expenses through the business. The IRS has predicted that the income of small businesses is underreported by approximately 25%. Mr. Gilchrist sounds like the type who would do that.

  14. Rekster says:

    @Joan, General Rmoney was just showing his bona fides as the leader of the 101st Chairborne Brigade to the VFW today. I am so sick of the chickenhawks. I didn’t seen any of them around whilst I was traipsing around the rice paddies west of Da Nang. They make me want to puke whenever they start talking about military issues.

    These are the ones who proclaim that “Freedom isn’t Free”. They are the ones who are always making withdrawals but never making any deposits to Freedom.

  15. Rekster – My husband was in Vietnam too, just south of Saigon on a medical team, we have had contact with his team members who are still living, many have died and most of the illnesses seem to have been agent orange related, my husband also has agent orange related illnesses. He was decorated in vietnam and received a bronze star. So I am really protective of those like yourself who served whilst
    Romney’s father sent him to Paris on missionary duty for the mormon church for 2 years, and got further exemptions
    for education when he came back. I’m afraid Romney disgusts me. Thanks for your service to the country – Cheers!

  16. Rekster says:

    Joan: Thanks much! Fortunately, for me, there was very little Agent Orange up in the northern part of South Viet Nam. Hope things are well with your husband.

    I have more respect for those who went to Canada to avoid the draft. At least they had some convictions than those, like Rush Limbaugh, who received a deferment due to a boil on his butt and people like Cheney and Romney. The fact that they are so willing to send others to fight and die when they or their children stay home and cheer!
