Poor Guys, All Broken

March 06, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I know you often say to yourself, “I wonder how the Texas Tea Party Super PAC is doing?”

Darlin’, they are broke.

I mean, not in pieces. They are overdrawn at the bank broke. $18,402.60 worth.  Here’s a PDF of the statement from the Federal Elections Commission.

Or, if you don’t want to read it all, here’s the good part.


There are very few things that can make me smile on a dreary Monday morning, but thinking about members of the Tea Party having to mow lawns all summer in the Texas heat to make enough money to pay off their debt is one of them.

Thanks to Alfredo over at the Dairy Queen for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Poor Guys, All Broken”

  1. BarbinDC says:

    Nice catch, Alfredo! You’re gonna need to take a leave of absence from the Dairy Queen once Kim Jong Orange’s taxes are released.

  2. Jane & PKM says:

    Ms. Juanita Jean Herownself, it’s a good day when you smile. May you have a cherry on top of your schadenfreude sundae and a liberal dose of creme de menthe or Kahlua in your hot chocolate to share with the remarkable Alfredo; $carahPac is broke, too.

    Mowing lawns? Meh. Tea Baggers are not qualified. Maybe they can be trained to suck out septic tanks. Just not in my neighborhood, ‘K?

  3. Rastybob says:

    Not to worry, They can get a loan from Putin. Or we know how rich Their boy Trump is, he can front them a few Mil.

  4. Knowing these guys, they’d probably hire an undocumented immigrant on the cheap to mow the lawns for them.

    And then have him deported.

  5. I didn’t know blow up dolls cost that much.

  6. Laurel Beckett says:

    These are the folks who want to manage the national government for us and have promised they can balance the federal budget. Hmm, looks like they have the same business model as Pol Potbelly.

  7. Laurel, it is only important to balance the federal budget when a Dem is President. The issue vanishes the moment a Repub is elected.

  8. JAKvirginia says:

    Oh, cripes! Another round of bake sales and car washes. Their cookies taste like cardboard and they never get the wheel wells clean. No wonder they’re in debt.

  9. Is this the first step toward them declaring bankruptcy and then stiffing all the vendors they owe? A page from their dear leader.

  10. Well, with the Tea Party name bankrupt, that finishes off the only 18th century American history their voters might recognize. What’s next? Blaming the Native American people for living on their own land, like in the 19th century?

    How about reorganizing as Custer’s Little Bighorn Party?

  11. This news warms the cockles of my tender little heart. Several years ago the Minnesota snacilbupeR party was broke and so far behind in their office rent the owner began eviction proceedings. Yup, the wingnuts are all about fiscal responsibility — for everyone else.
