Poor Fredo

April 18, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Eric Trump, the family’s Fredo, defended his Dad’s obsessive golfing to a fawning Irish reporter:

While on the subject of golf, I raise the fact that his father has been criticised in recent days for playing 16 times since his inauguration. Eric says his father uses the game to de-stress but there is also another good reason for it – professional bonding.

“You can sit with somebody in a golf cart where there might be cultural differences and language barriers and have a good time and build a friendship in a way that you could never do sitting across an office table from someone – and I think being able to go to Mar-a-Lago [Trump’s Florida estate], it is my father’s Crawford, Texas.”

First off, what the hell does Trump have to de-stress from?  He doesn’t do anything.  Second off, he’s only interested in conducting America’s business with people who play golf? Third off, Crawford is the comparison he wants to make?  Really, Fredo, really? Crawford?

Thanks to Bryan for the heads up.

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