Poor Bill

June 30, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Bill O’Reilly has become so upset with gay marriage becoming just plain ole marriage that he invented a new meme.  He got those little spittle things forming at the edges of his mouth and had a meltdown over the White House putting rainbow lights out to celebrate.

Screen Shot 2015-06-30 at 8.05.35 AMO’Reilly said President Obama “did an ‘in your face’ to traditional Americans” with the White House display.

The Fox host also blasted comedian Stephen Colbert for mocking Justice Antonin Scalia’s dissent in the gay marriage ruling. O’Reilly said Colbert “might want to think about alienating traditional Americans to the extent he has — it could be very bad for business.”

Traditional Americans?  As opposed to Untraditional Americans? Well, I’ll be damned, against all odds O’Reilly did in fact find another way to divide this country.

Just think, if this country had traditional people running it we would still have child labor,women without the vote, slavery, poll tax, and a helluva lot of muskets.

I’m gonna let Bill in on a hint.  We just do this stuff to piss him off.  There’s no other reason.  I mean, you know for a fact that President Obama said, “Let’s rainbow-up the White House!  That’ll get O’Reilly going!” followed by uproarious laughter.

Hey Bill, we’re poking you with a stick, boy.  We’ve earned it and, by gawd, so have you.


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