Pooping in Your Own Nest

August 12, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Way to go, Ted Cruz.

Ted has a new ad out promising to be the one who puts the last nail in Planned Parenthood’s coffin.

The ad opens with shots of poor little children struck with polio and how much America loved and helped these children.


What a damn dope.

One of the earliest advances with fetal tissue was to use fetal kidney cells to create the first poliovirus vaccines, which are now estimated to save 550,000 lives worldwide every year.

In the early days of making the vaccine, researchers infected fetal kidney cells in Petri dishes to produce a large amount of virus that they could then harvest, purify and use to vaccinate people.

So he wants to un-cure polio?  Is that what he’s saying?  I dunno.  I guess so because what the hell else does polio have to do with abortion?

Stomp Out Science:  Elect Ted Cruz!

Thanks to Rick for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Pooping in Your Own Nest”

  1. We already know Ted’s a dope, so why is he determined to keep on proving it?

    ‘Cause he’s a dope, I guess.

  2. No way of knowing why the bleep this idiot is thinking! A useless quest! Lets just skip over him and keep practicing Matthew 25.

  3. what a fecking idiot.

  4. So he intends to prosecute PP? On whose dime?

    Makes me want to go and donate more in his “honor”–though this time in his “memorium” maybe? That should make some eyebrows rise.

  5. Elizabeth Moon says:

    He probably doesn’t know–probably none of the most avid anti-choicers, anti-PP people know anything about the development of polio vaccine. (They may be anti-vaxxers, too.)

    But yeah, it’s really, really stupid. Ted Cruz was born into a world where polio had been eliminated in the developed world and was being eradicated in the rest of the world. Unlike me. My childhood involved polio scares, block quarantines, friends who died of it, friends who were crippled by it, a second grade teacher who came down with it so almost every kid in my school was given gamma globulin shots on spec and watched like a hawk for two weeks, iron lungs and March of Dimes campaigns in the schools, and the Salk vaccine shots we got willy-nilly (and twice, the whole series, because we were in one of the test areas and blinded to which ones got the real stuff that test year.)

  6. Elizabeth Moon: We must be of like age. I remember mothers getting together and deciding each child would rest indoors at their own homes after lunch every day, scares about public pools spreading the disease. Most of all I remember when ALL school children were bussed to the junior high school gym and given shots. If that wasn’t a real scene of crying kids! Then the next year (I think) our entire family went to the neighborhood elementary school for the vaccine dropped on sugar cubes. The threat of polio was ever present. Today we are so lucky that the “epidemic” scares are relatively minor in comparison – at least here in the US.
    As to Ted Cruz: He’s a waste of space.

  7. Kate oDubhagain says:

    Elizabeth Moon,

    I remember that time well. There was a great deal of fear and anxiety among all my friends parents. We didn’t play outside with the other kids, go to church or go out much because Mom was so frightened of us getting polio…then my best friend next door got it.

    Thank heavens for those vaccines.

  8. Hollyanna says:

    Ted Cruz…leading the U.S. into a new, even darker Dark Age! I find his smarmy faux-Christian bleatings revolting.
    JanK and Elizabeth Moon: I also have vivid memories of the polio scares and family trips to get polio vaccine, neighbors with polio, and even more recently my own brother-in-law (RIP) suffering with polio re-bound weakness.

  9. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    We were expected to believe Dubya was the dumbest Bush, then came Jeb? to prove that to be a lie.

    Now Daffy Cruz, Jr. is out to prove his daddy isn’t the craziest Cruz.

  10. Elizabeth Moon – I was a Polio Pioneer, too – one of the group who got Salk vaccine in the clinical trial. Now I teach that study as an example of a well-done clinical trial that had a huge impact on public health.
    A good friend was among the last kids to get polio before the vaccine was approved and came into widespread use. He nearly died, and was left quadriplegic, but with great courage (and family resources) went on to get a PhD in physics.
    One of the most heartening pieces of the polio vaccine story is that both Salk (killed vaccine approach) and Sabin (live vaccine “sugar cube”) donated all rights to their work as a public gift. Cannot imagine the Greedy Old Party candidates or supporters doing such a thing.

  11. SomedayGirl says:

    The Nobel Prize was awarded to the researchers who were able to grow polio virus in “cultures of various types of tissue”. The main medium they used was fetal cell cultures gleaned from legal abortions. Same for rubella (German measles). Many lives saves, many miscarriages – aka tragic loss of babies people wanted to have – averted.

    Even the Vatican acknowledges that although they object to the methodology of original creation, there’s no moral quandary for use of these vaccines, aka The Ends Justify the Means.

    So basically I’m saying the Canadian is somewhat stoopit.

  12. In related news, yesterday (11 August) marked one year without a detected* case of polio in Africa. The only known cases in the world in 2015 have been 34 cases in Pakistan and Afghanistan.

    *”detected” is defined as “known & verified by the World Health Organization” – so not a perfect indicator, but probably as good as we can get.

  13. He’s actually making the case for humanitarian use of aborted
    fetal tissue.

  14. e platypus onion says:

    Africa celebrated a year of no polio. Why does Cruz hate Africans?

  15. 1smartcanerican™ says:

    Someday Girl, please don’t call Cruz “the Canadian” as he has renounced his Canadian citizenship. Also, Canada has no use for this man; they already have Harper! Thanks 🙂

  16. @1smartcanerican™

    As much as I’d like to hook a brother/sister up, until I can’t remember President Obama being referred to as Kenyan or as not born in the USA (another residual to Springsteen!) or the screed about birth certificates, I will refer to this f*cker as “Canadian”. And as Rafael, never Ted. And I like Canada. But I hate T-publicans.

  17. This is what Reich-wing conservatives mean when they scream they want to “take America back.”

    I’m of an age where I can confirm what others have posted in the comments. Next to nuclear annihilation, and maybe not even that, the fear of polio was THE national nightmare for Americans before the Salk vaccine.

    Have you seen that current ad that shows people’s reactions to the the announcement, “Cancer Cured!”. See the look on their faces? The joy? That happened in 1955.

    Phuck, you, Cruz.

  18. Please, please, won’t some pundit commit Actual Journalism and ask him about this???

  19. My Mom is a polio survivor and going through some really painful stuff with postpolio syndrome these days. That started with the cartilage in her knees disappearing (subsequently her knees had to be replaced). Now she’s having trouble with shoulders and spine.

    Originally the polio left her with a scoliosis, but not much more, making her one of the “lucky ones.” It curved her spine in an S, so one leg is only slightly shorter than the other and her hips aren’t quite level. She’s told me stories of those times and made sure my sister and I got all of our vaccines as soon as we were old enough.

  20. The article contains a number of inaccuracies with the blending of the work done by Salk and Sabin. The Salk vaccine was cultured in adult monkey kidney cells and was a killed virus. It’s flaw was that since it was injected GI antibodies never formed so even vaccinated individuals could shed the virus in their stool.

    The Sabin vaccine was orally administered and GI antibodies prevented viral shedding. Sabin’s cultures indeed used fetal tissue but not kidney but rather skin and muscle cells.

    The issue is not what tissue was used but how it is obtained. Salk used adult monkeys (PETA people can go crazy). Sabin indeed used fetal tissues obtained from miscarriages and spontaneous abortions with consent and no money changed hands. Intact organs were not needed. Sabin maintained his cells in culture so his need for new material was always available via natural happenstance.

  21. Comes now Ben Carson, touting his acumen as a pediatric surgeon, and hoping you don’t know about his work using fetal tissues in research, which is one of the things he touts about his acumen as a pediatric surgeon . . .

    Shocked! Shocked, that gambling occurs in this establishment!
