Politics of the Weird

July 28, 2024 By: Nick Carraway Category: Uncategorized

People are strange. When you’re a stranger, faces seem ugly when you’re alone. Okay, okay, I was getting into some Jim Morrison there for a second. Far be it for me to judge anyone or any particular kinks and quirks. We all have them. Some might label them as a sin or a vice. Others might label them as what gives each of us our unique personality.

I’m not sure if the J.D. Vance story even qualifies as a fetish. I suppose you do have the “particular object” portion of the definition, so we will go with that for now. In his book, “Hillbilly Elegy,” there is a ton of shall we say fiction in there, Like one might have said about the Holy Roman Empire or the 1980s band the Thompson Twins, none of the words in those titles was true. Of course, you are free to discuss that on your own.

In this particular book, Vance describes what we might call “an erotic experience” with a rubber glove in a couch. People of my generation saw “American Pie”. We are not completely unaware of activity with strange things. So, the bizarre nature of the story only came in the desire to admit it openly or even brag about it. It wasn’t completely dissimilar to Kristi Noem bragging about killing a dog.

Having an intimate moment with a rubber glove certainly is strange, but not particularly wrong per se. The same could be true of killing an animal depending on the circumstances. It is the bragging that is so unnerving. What’s even more unnerving is that the story isn’t true. Vance isn’t the one who really protested all that much. So, he apparently isn’t all that bothered by the story getting out there.

We know a few things about Vance. We know he was raised in a white upper middle class household with two parents that were college educated and worked white collar jobs. We know he attended Yale law school and became Peter Thiel’s boy. Thiel got him nearly every job he had as a venture capitalists and dumped 15 million dollars into his Senate campaign.

That’s why Donald Trump and Vance are so desperate to get you to focus on the so-called “DEI hires” like Kamala Harris. Racist? Sexist? Xenophobic? Yup, it’s all of those things and more. What they don’t want you to focus on is the fact that they are two rather average guys in terms of intelligence and experience (or worse) that got ahead because others picked up the tab. It was daddy in the case of Trump. It was Thiel in the case of Vance.

Vance desperately needs you to believe he was disadvantaged somehow and got ahead based on gumption, sweat, and tears. He desperately wants to identify with people that never had it good and don’t get ahead in spite of their whiteness. He needs their support. The truth is that he has no idea what that life is like. He has never had to worry about how the next meal is going to be paid for.

In fairness, both of Kamala Harris’ parents were professional too. Of course, she is not the one pretending to be poor. She is the one that also made her way through law school, worked as a prosecutor, attorney general, and then senator before becoming vice president. She never had a billionaire paving the way for her. When you have nothing that distinguishes you in terms of talent or accomplishments you make it up. Apparently, that includes the fetishes too.

0 Comments to “Politics of the Weird”

  1. Rimour had it drumpf allows Vance to get squirelly with discarded bandaids from drump’s ear as long as Vance doesn’t call them Ivanka while he is enamored with foolish passion.

    Apparently, naming them Gopenfuhrer, in drump’s honor is kosher.

  2. Please forgive the lousy spelling. mfi

  3. Steve from Beaverton says:

    The guy who called rape inconvenient and declared open borders were letting in democratic voters brings on the kind of stories people might make up about him, like his fun with rubber gloves. I don’t feel sorry for him about that story. I’m sorry we have to hear from him at all. He’s the perfect magat candidate for the lying FFG. Help us all if they and project 2025 make it into the White House.

  4. I find the verified, actual facts about Vance the weirdest.
    A middle class, golf swinging, billionaire hob-nobbing hillbilly? Sure. When he says “hold my Mountain Dew” he just wants the help to take it out of his hand.

  5. If Vance really had his way with a couch and a rubber glove, would that make him “hand”some? Just asking…

  6. Jimmy Dave Vance is just ‘Duck Dynasty’ in politics. Nothing real while the camera is on him.

  7. Steve from Beaverton says:

    I’m not a big believer in polls but this picture is a change that must be making Trumpf crazier, if that’s possible.

    Anything to keep him and JD saying suff like shes a DEI FEMALE cat woman candidate. You effing morons.

  8. Steve from Beaverton @ 7.

    I’m not a big believer in poll results either. I think the Wisconsin Polling may eventually favor Harris even higher numbers.

    A huge number of people in The Villages in FL, came out in golf carts to meet and cheer Harris. Is there a chance that FL will turn purple?

  9. Nick, I loathe Vance as much as the next person, but the couch story has been debunked, even down to the level of the person who claimed to have found it in a first edition or a galley proof. As far as I currently know it is just plain false. We have enough true things to go after them on.

  10. Oops, sorry, I see you said that in, what was it, the third paragraph? I still think it was a mistake to mention it. Especially when the fact that it was not true was postponed until the third paragraph. We have plenty of true things to go after them on.

  11. Nick Carraway says:

    Fair enough Vic. I suppose the fact that it wasn’t contested was just weird which I think points to the underlying Dem strategy here. These guys are not only dangerous but they are just weird and not weird in that cute quirky way. However, your point is taken. There are plenty of weird things to hit on that they’ve actually done and said.
