Politicking from the Pulpit

August 27, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Governor Greg Abbott knows what’s wrong with America.

It’s that whole separation of church and state thing.

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Greg and Ted Nugent, Christians

In an exclusive interview with The Brody File in Austin, Texas Governor Greg Abbott says America will continue to deteriorate unless pastors get involved in the cultural issues of the day. “The people who attend these congregations or pastor these congregations do not turn out and vote and we are dealing with the consequences by the failure of Christians to go vote.”

Yeah, not enough politicking from the pulpit.

What this country needs are more preachers willing to tell their congregation that Democrats are hell bound infidels who want to give your tax money to little crippled children but you should give it to me instead so I can buy another mansion.

Religious liberty from the Bible is in the issues that Christians believe in have become hostile in the mainstream politics and there is one key reason for it and that’s because the people who attend these congregations or pastor these congregations do not turn out and vote and we are dealing with the consequences by the failure of Christians to go vote.”

Hey Tootles, it got your butt elected.

And, Greg, where does your good buddy, Ted Nugent, fit into all this?

Greg can kiss my big blue butt.

Thanks to Kyle for the heads up.

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