Political Hatchet Job Veterans for Truth

February 09, 2010 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Sumbitches

Well, Juanita’s a big fan of a new PAC called Political Hatchet Job Veterans for Truth. “Bob Perry doesn’t give us any money, which is the nicest thing I can say about our PAC,” she explains.

But, Bob Perry is back in the business of trying to buy a President. Let’s see, Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, Tom DeLay’s defense fund, the Economic Freedom Fund, and just about every hateful robo call ever made was funded by Perry. He’s no kin to Rick Perry, the Governor, except that they both think God speaks to them personally and gives them permission to look down on all the rest of us.

Last week, there was a mysterious anonymous $100,000 check delivered to the Aladamnbama GOP by Minnesooota Governor and truly disturbed man, Tim Pawlenty.

And sure enough, Pawlenty has now confirmed that it was indeed Perry. “The donor’s name was Bob Perry and he was somebody I was visiting in Texas on behalf of the Republican Governors Association and he noted that I was going to Alabama and asked if I would bring them a check so I said I would,” Pawlenty said today, reports the Minneapolis Star-Tribune.

I have no idea what Bob Perry’s dream of world domination means except that we’ll all be living in his claptrap houses naming our kids Doylene and worshipping some freaky mean God.

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