Plus, She’s a Girl

October 16, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

What happens when you combine Louie Gohmert and Ted Cruz? A four legged, half brained, tiny winkie that tests the limits of sanity.

Ted and Louie want a bust of Margaret Sanger removed from the National Portrait Gallery because they just learned that bust does not always mean ta-tas.

margaret-sanger-bust-national-portrait-gallery“There is no ambiguity in what Margaret Sanger’s bust represents: hatred, racism, and the destruction of unborn life,” Cruz said. “Not only should we continue efforts to redirect funds from Planned Parenthood, an organization founded by Sanger that is currently under criminal investigation, we must also work to ensure that her inhumane life’s work is in no way promoted.”

Seriously, guys? That’s the only constructive thing you have to do today? Somebody get them a rake or a boom or something so their time can be better spent.

Thanks to Alacrity Fitzhugh for the heads up.

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