Please, Woman! You Don’t Live In a Log Cabin or Even Own an Apron.

June 19, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Ya know, I think Republican women have exclusive distribution rights on gall.

Ann Romney, not exactly the model of an average American woman, went all poor-little-me on Michelle Obama.  Asked if she would be traveling abroad, Ann responded ….

“I doubt that,” Romney replied. “Our vacations and our happiness come from being with our children and our grandchildren.”

Give me a break the size of Wyoming, Woman!  Your happiness comes from owning about 20 houses, some million dollar horses, a damn elevator for your car, and firing people.

Holy cow, that’s just trailer park trash tacky.  Ann Romney ain’t wearing no damn apron in the kitchen baking cookies.  She did, however, admit that she does not have to go abroad because she owns half the freekin’ vacation houses in America.

Ann Romney didn’t rule out vacationing at all, noting the Romney family has their “own places for that.”

Oh, right, Ann.   Some us have to actually stay in a hotel while vacationing.  Thank you for reminding me.

And then here’s another that showed some gall.

Mrs. Romney also talked about how she was excited a horse she jointly owns, Rafalca, had qualified to compete in the Olympics in dressage, an equestrian sport.

“I’m so excited, honestly, to be able to represent the United States,” Romney said.

No, no, Woman.  YOU are not representing the United States.  Your horse is.  You are not riding the horse.  That would be like the guy who makes Michael Phelps’s swimsuit saying he represented the United States at the Olympics.  You know, stupid, crass and inane.

How cow, y’all, I could not put up with four years of that sanctimonious overblown pompous crap.  Seriously.  I could not.  You just gotta go vote.

Thanks to mb for the heads-up.

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0 Comments to “Please, Woman! You Don’t Live In a Log Cabin or Even Own an Apron.”

  1. daChipster says:

    “London, Geneva, the Caymans,” Fryer mused over his breakfast Lone Star. “Ireland, Bermuda, Luxembourg. Ann D. Romney’s Blind Trust money and the horse she rode in on take better vacations than I do.”

  2. Ha … now that I’m retired [since 2004] I don’t take vacations at all … so retirement is my vacation! We absolutely CAN NOT let these people into the White House except for an occasional visit and even then … they must be searched both coming and going! They might see something they like in one of the rooms and snatch it … like they want to do with the Presidency!!

  3. m in El Paso says:

    Who needs coffee in the morning? A Juanita Jean feisty, liberal rant like this one peps me up for the day. Thanks, JJ.

  4. From what I read, the tax deduction for the horse is over $70,000 – about twice what the average worker makes in a year.

  5. The idea of Ann Romney insinuating she, unlike Michelle Obama, loves her family too much to take a vacation is just sickening. And par for the course for The Republican First Ladies and Wannabees. We had to watch Nancy Reagan and Barbara Bush go all gooey about family and learned much more about THEIR family values later.
    So, join JJ and VOTE. As we say in VT, “Jeezum Crow! That’s a no-brainer!”

  6. OK, color me clueless. How the heck is there a tax deduction for the HORSE, let alone one that is around 1.5 times what I gross in a year (which is nowhere near what I take home, of course).

  7. I know somebody who lives in the country and owns Arabian horses. They cannot take a tax deduction on the care and feeding of the horses (not considered
    “agricultural exemption” like cows or goats). I wonder what kind of tax deduction the Rombot’s are taking on one horse that gives them a $70k deduction???? Maybe I’m just not smart enuff to know about such deducts! Something tells me they figured out a way to make “horses people too”.

  8. The tax deduction for the horse must be based on the theory that Anne Romney is engaged in the trade or business or raising horses for sale and that this is not a hobby. The hobby rules require you to show a profit every couple of years so as to justify the deduction. Showing the horse in the Olympics does increase the value of the horse and any horses bred from such horse.

    This deduction is sketchy. It would be nice to see several years of Romney’s tax returns to see if Ann’s hobby meets the IRS definition of a trade or business. The Romney’s are not likely to release any additional tax returns for this and a host of other reasons.

  9. Juanita Jean says:

    KathyS -the ag tax abatement in Texas also includes horses. That’s why you see big corporations on property with a horse field next door. They own that property, too, and take an ag abatement on all the property.

  10. Money-making. That’s what the Romneys are about. Even though we, the American voters, are not allowed to see their taxes (except for one year) and this year’s taxes got a free pass to take much longer to complete, there must be some records somewhere about Anne’s horse habit. I’ve had horses for most of my adult life (two Arabians right now), and have never tried to take a deduction, because I’ve never made any money.

    The current tax structure changed during the Reagan years. Everybody used to take deduction for all horse expenses, including your daughter’s show clothing and lessons. The horse market crashed terribly when Mister Conservative threw out those deductions. Oh, but we don’t want to talk about him, do we?

  11. innerlooper says:

    I just luv my ‘hobby horse’ its got a broom stick up its back side. Must be a repub horsey though all stick with a tiny head.

  12. I think I saw on one of the pundit shows that it is a $70,000 business expense tax deduction. So I reckon that means they lost $70,000 worth of value on the horse during the year? I would not think so if it is going to the Olympics, but I don’t deal in that kind of deductions or number games on tax returns.

  13. Gramiam says:

    First, the tax deduction was $77,000, and the horse is considered an asset and the deduction was taken as a business expense. This in spite of the fact that Mittens claimed that the horse was obtained to assist Mrs. Romney in coping with MS. I threw up a little in my mouth at that one. These elitists have NO SHAME!

  14. ks sunflower says:

    It is my understanding that Mrs. Romney does not ride this particular horse as part of her MS therapy (gee, you think your insurance company would spring for that if you had a kid with MS? I think not.) She has several other horses for that.

  15. This woman who says the Obamas take foreign vacations must think Hawaii is a foreign country.
    The Romneys even give their money foreign vacations.

    Folks we just got to work hard to get the pres re-elected because they are going to throw so much dirt his way
    with the money they got from selling the country!
