Please, Please, Pretty Pleeeeease

May 21, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Rick Perry wants to be somebody.  Anybody.  He’s desperate.  Here is a man who has never held a damn job in his life.  I’m not kidding.  Government has been his only job.

Now he’s begging, begging for a job. It’s soul crushing plea, y’all.

rickperryvotes1Former Texas Gov. Rick Perry (R), who once called Donald Trump “a cancer on conservatism,” told CNN that he would be willing to serve as the presumptive Republican nominee’s vice president.

Said Perry: “I suspect I’m going to be helping him in a myriad ways — but if it’s the vice presidency, if a cabinet position is where he needs somebody with my experience then I’m not going to go back to Texas and say, ‘Aw shucks sir, I’m gonna go fishing.’ I’m gonna go serve my country.”

I mean, holy cow, the man went out and bought glasses and everything.

Yep, Ole Rick is willing to help cancer grow in America.

Because he’s a desperate man.



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0 Comments to “Please, Please, Pretty Pleeeeease”

  1. anonymous1253 says:

    If I can’t be Sarah Palin, then I’m in for Rick !

  2. WA Skeptic says:

    So either the Tundra Twat or Dumb Perry get the second spot on the R’s ticket and if Drumpf is elected they spend their time praying for him to get something terminal? Sounds like a plan to me.

  3. Marcia in CO says:

    I wonder if Putrid Perry tried signing up for Unemployment Benefits and got denied … LOL In the required job searches, he’s listed numerous attempts at landing the VP spot but, so far, no one is hiring him.
    He lists other applications filled out for:
    Trash Collector
    Dishwasher at the local McD’s
    Taco-maker at Alfonso’s Taco Shop

  4. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Fuggedaboutit, pRick. I already called dibs as Donnie’s lapdog.

    Gov Cartman

  5. Rastybob says:

    I think Gohmert for VP has a lot going for it.
    Drumpf Gohmert 2016
    has a nice ring to it don’t you think?

  6. Seriously, praying for him to get something terminal? These people never knew or had the virtue of patience. It would take too long and they are not in for delayed satisfaction.

  7. RepubAnon says:

    A job with no real responsibilities other than posture for the DC Press Corps? Both Sarah Palin and Rick Perry would love the job. Of course, Sarah would quit after a few months if she did succeed in becoming President, and Rick Perry would buy Dubya’s old ranch and clear brush if he became President. I expect Paul Ryan would be the one filling Dick Cheney’s role as the one actually running things.


  8. Comparing previous and recent comments on Trump’s qualifications as president of the United States is a good way to measure snacilbupeR integrity. A whole bunch of ’em ain’t got none.

  9. Why can’t he just settle back into Elderly Republican Dumbwit, er, Pundit status. Just show up on cable news every so often and collect all those pensions he lined up for himself.

  10. Nina Jo says:

    Trump will pick Palin..because that’s what a 12 year old boy would do. But if someone with half a wit to them tells him that he has to pick someone else, then it ought to be maple syrup man.

  11. It may or may not be true that Donald Drumpf is“a cancer on conservatism”. But it unquestionably true that little pRick erry is a wart on Texass.

  12. Few people looking for a job would want to be VP. That’s not a job–it’s a waiting game.

  13. oldymoldy says:

    This stuff is actually pretty pitiful. Do these people know that we can hear them?

  14. Elizabeth Moon says:

    He should get a job at Wal-Mart. Or flip burgers. Or fill potholes. Something below minimum wage, with irregular shifts and no benefits.

    He’s sucked at the public teat long enough.
