Please Make Nunes Keep Talking

February 05, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

So Devin Nunes went on Fox & Friend this morning, you know, to play the roll of the Friend.

Among other things, Nunes admitted that he had never read the underlying document of The Memo, wasn’t aware that the FISA court was informed that the Steele document was gained from a political search, and did not know that Carter Page had been a worrisome critter even before Trump was running for president.  He also announced that Trump never even met George Papadopoulos.

Oh really, Devin?



So who ya gonna believe – Nunes or your lying eyes?

I think Fox & Friends should change their name to Fox & Some Old Guys In Coffee-Stained Tee Shirts With No Place To Go.

Trump, by the way, was thrilled with Nunes’ performance.


Thanks to Bess for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Please Make Nunes Keep Talking”

  1. Jane & PKM says:

    Hey Lyin’ Ryan, remember when you were a bad little boy and your Mama cursed you with “I hope you have six just like you.” Well, Devin is that child. He’s running all over the place making you look like the dope you are and a nadless wonder for not relieving him of his committee and/or tossing a butterfly net over his escapades. Stand up to Dotard45? Paulie you won’t even stand up to insignificant Nunes. The Iron Stache is coming for your seat, ya wimp.

  2. About that tweet Donald, it would apply equally to Anthony Wiener.

  3. Seriously, that boy needs professional help big time and right away.

  4. Tilphousia says:

    Nunes is a pathetic little jackass. And stupid as a sack of hair. But look at who he worships the biggest liar, asshole and corrupt creep who ever crawled out of a cesspool. Not content with lying about the ACA, traitor trump lies about England’s healthcare system, generally thought to be one of the best if not the best in the world. And he lies about a march in England and of course gets everything wrong. Between those two, they may have a two digit IQ.

  5. Nunes has got to be complicit in the Russia thing. Adam Schiff has said that until all of this craziness Nunes was very fair and capable in the Intel committee. He now seems like a man running scared. If you’re on the twitter machine you should check out Seth Abramson who has been ahead of the curve on all things Russia. He describes Nunes as “off the rails”.
