Please File This Under The Catagory: Be Careful What You Wish For

June 18, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


Remember when I sighed heavily that General Ricardo Sanchez didn’t even have a website a full month after he announced?

Well, apparently that very day, his handlers got a website up.  And, from the look of it, they spent a whole 2, 3 hours on that sucker.  It doesn’t take much time to copy and paste talking points from the Democratic Leadership Council on three issues.

Whatever little gnome they have tied up in a dark room to spew out words for Ben Barnes’ anointed candidates apparently got fed this month.

The bottom line is this:  Lt. Col. Rick Noriega, who was not their anointed candidate, raised $6 million on his own and got a higher percentage of the vote than Bill White, who was their anointed and even dream candidate.

Hell, we need to run Noriega again.  Or, at least somebody who can talk while Ben Barnes is drinking water.  Wendy Davis, maybe?

Go look at that sucker.  His slogan is “For a unified and prosperous Texas!”?  Who writes that stuff?  Gee, for five bucks, I’ll write, “For a clean and happy Texas.”  Oh wait.  You have to put an exclamation point at the end so people will know to get excited about it.  I forgot the most important part.

Then check this out:

His belief is that, at the most fundamental level, the issues confronting Texas and the country boil down to three:  Securing the future of Texas and America, protecting the rights and ensuring opportunity for all Americans, and recapturing the American dream.

What the fool tarnation does any of that mean?  He is for what is good and against what is bad?

I read his words about the economy and job creation three times and I still have no idea what his solutions are except that he wants to have cake and eat it, too.

My suggestion is that you take down that website right now.  Scrap that sucker before people start trying to actually wade through it, and copy it to hold against Sanchez and last gasping breath of the Democratic Party.

You know, I am hoping against history that Sanchez is a really good man who will break away from his handlers and lead the Democratic Party back to being the party of people.  He needs something more than exclamation points to get me excited.

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