Playing Catch – Up

February 17, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

My email box is busting open so let me share a few things in one post.

Okay, who the hell goes to the scene of horrific murders and does this?


In case you can’t see it, he’s all grinning and thumbs up.


What the fool damn hell is he doing?

And all that pretty much explains this —

Customer Sandy asks, “So was that reported $26 million payment of $107 million “missing” inaugural funds to Melania’s friend’s company (with a payment of $1.65 million directly to the friend) actually a pass thru to Melania as payment to maintain a charade of domestic tranquility? Inquiring minds want to know.”

I do not know but it wouldn’t shock me.

And it appears that H.R. McMaster hasn’t caught the dreaded Trumpitis.

White House National Security Advisor H.R. McMaster said evidence of Russian meddling in the 2016 election is “now really incontrovertible,” CNN reports.

McMaster has said previously it had been difficult to say definitively because “technically it was difficult” but “also you didn’t want to divulge your intelligence capabilities.”

He added: “But now that this is in the arena of a law enforcement investigation it’s going to be very apparent to everyone.”

Uh, except Trump.

There are Three Billboards Outside Miami targeting Marco Rubio. They say, “Slaughtered in school,” “And still no gun control?” “How come, Marco Rubio?”



Have a fun Saturday night!


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