Playing Catch-Up

July 19, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I know this is kinda old news, but now Donald Trump is taking on John McCain.

First shot:

McCain gets upset with Trump’s appearance in Phoenix and says that Trump is hurting the Republican Party by “firing up the crazies.”

Trump trumps:

TrumpDoesn'tKnow“He’s not a war hero,” Trump, a Republican running for president, said of McCain. “I like people that weren’t captured. “He’s a war hero because he was captured. I like people that weren’t captured.”

Followed by giant cringing sound that is not heard by Trump.  When asked if he owed McCain an apology …

“No, not at all… Very importantly, I got a standing ovation, the biggest ovation they had all weekend, by far. When I left the room, it was a total standing ovation. It was wonderful to see. Nobody was insulted…. I’m very disappointed in John McCain because the vets are horribly treated in this country.”

We can only hope he keeps it up.  I can’t wait to hear what he says about Lindsey Graham.

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0 Comments to “Playing Catch-Up”

  1. Brian Meehan says:

    He is right about one thing, vets ( who aren’t multi-millionaire U.S. Senators) are treated horribly in this country. Republicans hate the vets administration, it’s too much like socialized medicine.

  2. So what’s Trump’s plan for the vets? Give tax breaks to the rich? Privatize and then put the VA into bankruptcy multiple times like he does with his own companies? Gut the VA while he sends the military into multiple wars because he can’t keep his ignorant pie-hole shut?

  3. Republican National Committee communications director Sean Spicer says this in Time Magazine: “There is no place in our party or our country for comments that disparage those who have served honorably.”

    Unless, of course, they’re talking about John Kerry’s war record.

    Really?!!! They make this just too easy.

  4. “When I left the room, it was a total standing ovation.”

    I’m not a bit surprised.

    And what did you do during the war, daddy? Enjoy multiple deferments, is what.

  5. Hollyanna says:

    Yep, when he left the room…the standing ovation was for his departure.

  6. I’d like to see Trump dropped into the middle of North Korea and not get captured. See how well he evades enemy soldiers with two broken arms and no food.

    In fact, if made into a reality show with a GoPro camera on The Donald’s head, I’d watch it. And I’m here to say on record I’ll even vote for him if he makes it to & through the DMZ. Now that would be entertainment!

  7. Coming Soon on the Comedy Channel…

    T-Rump runs for President…

    It’s a barrel of laughs…

  8. Said the guy who never served because he had a “bone spur” on a foot he can’t remember. McCain had the opportunity to dodge, but he didn’t; Trump had the opportunity to serve, but he didn’t. ‘Nuff said!

  9. Since I heard that Trump’s announcement to run was cheered by paid actors – now I wonder about his “standing ovations”.

    I agree, for being a vet, McCain has done lousy by the vets. He only seems to be interested in created more wounded and dead ones.

  10. Oh, please don’t let him drop out of the race!
    He is the gift that keeps on giving. And giving. And giving.

  11. Norma S says:

    Don’t forget about Max Cleland and Tammy Duckworth. The purple heart Band-Aid they mocked John Kerry with. They have no shame. I keep forgetting IOKIYAR.

  12. Rubymay says:

    Yes, I suppose he doesn’t have any use for injured veterans either, and those who lost their lives certainly don’t deserve to be honored.

    I agree with Rick@6 — Trump is a coward, an idiot, and several words that cannot be used here. The latest Borowitz Report on this nincompoop was delightful.

  13. See what a magic thing a doorway can be? It is capable of bringing one great joy either when some one enters thorough it or when they leave.

  14. @Norma S
    I recollect the band-aid Purple Hearts being handed out at the GOP convention in 2004 or so. I never associated either Max Cleland or Tammy Duckworth with them. In fact I thought Cleland was a Kerry ally, although I could be wrong.

  15. Zyxomma says:

    I heard T-Rump on This Week (he appeared by phone). I still believe Snott Wanker will be the nominee.

  16. e platypus onion says:

    Micr-Max Cleland lost his senate seat to another draft dodging wingnut who accused Cleland of being anti-American for not supporting the Iraq fiasco. Duckworth who lost both legs in a helicopter crash in Iraq was accused of being a “cut and run” liberal by her congressional opponent to whom she lost.

  17. Hollyanna says:

    The GOP and their minions have not hesitated to mock the service of John Kerry, Max Cleland, and Tammy Duckworth. The purple-heart band-aids were just an outward demonstration of their shriveled little hearts and lack of respect for veterans. They have no shame.

  18. Marge Wood says:

    Today Trump’s wearing pink eyelid shadow.

    Which sort of reminds me, I was just getting my hair cut. I was doing my usual sneak around brain wash on the hair cutter and mentioned Donald Trump running for president. She totally stopped cutting and stared at me. “DONALD TRUMP is running for PRESIDENT?” We had quite a lively discussion about politics. Turns out she’s a New York Democrat. She allowed as she needs to start paying more attention to the news. We parted as good friends.

  19. e platypus onion says:

    I forgot to add that Cleland lost one arm and both legs while serving in ‘Nam.

  20. maryelle says:

    Jan, I’m with you. One can only hope that The Mouth continues campaigning, alienating and losing business. And the grand finale will be splitting the rwnj vote so as to elect a Democrat.
    Go Trump!

  21. hold on to your shorts, folks! Somebody in Aladamnbama heard what trump said and declared “what the hell did he do during Viet Nam?” A.l.a.d.a.m.n.b.a.m.a. Right in the middle of pea tardy heaven. somebody better check the temperature in hell. maybe a new ice age has started.

  22. Standing ovation my ass. What he heard was the pea rattling around in his otherwise empty head.

  23. Here we have a president that made a delicate plan with the Iranians and we contrast that with these bozos. What diplomacy? Shoot, that oughta be strategy number one. The world’s getting smaller and his ego’s getting bigger. Not a safe combination.

  24. Re the standing ovation when he left:

    Some people cause happiness wherever they go, others whenever they go. — Oscar Wilde

  25. Elizabeth Moon says:

    Repubtards started bashing vets even while the Vietnam war was going on–if they didn’t agree with GOP views. Notably Lewis Puller, Chesty Puller’s son, seriously wounded in ‘Nam and in a wheelchair, by some fat red-faced creep…and of course the recent ones everyone’s mentioned so far. They trashed hundreds of vets as “longhairs” and “addicts” and made it clear we weren’t anything like the sainted “greatest generation.” The left wing spat on us and yelled at us, and the GOP–unless we were in the GOP–lied about us, scorned us, and pretended that many Dems served with distinction.

  26. Elizabeth Moon says:

    But on Trump: He isn’t worth anything but a kick in the area that will give him the most pain. Maybe that will be in the GOP, when everyone turns on him and says “You’re FIRED!” While waving signs that say “Dump Trump!”

  27. Aggieland Liz says:

    His wallet, Elizabeth Moon, as our neighbors to the south have demonstrated!

  28. Chloe Bear says:

    A satisfying weekend: How beautiful to see John McCain get Swiftboated. And to see Republicans howl at the unfairness of it all. While John Kerry prepares to go to Havana to raise the flag at the U.S. Embassy.
