Playing Catch-Up

July 19, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I know this is kinda old news, but now Donald Trump is taking on John McCain.

First shot:

McCain gets upset with Trump’s appearance in Phoenix and says that Trump is hurting the Republican Party by “firing up the crazies.”

Trump trumps:

TrumpDoesn'tKnow“He’s not a war hero,” Trump, a Republican running for president, said of McCain. “I like people that weren’t captured. “He’s a war hero because he was captured. I like people that weren’t captured.”

Followed by giant cringing sound that is not heard by Trump.  When asked if he owed McCain an apology …

“No, not at all… Very importantly, I got a standing ovation, the biggest ovation they had all weekend, by far. When I left the room, it was a total standing ovation. It was wonderful to see. Nobody was insulted…. I’m very disappointed in John McCain because the vets are horribly treated in this country.”

We can only hope he keeps it up.  I can’t wait to hear what he says about Lindsey Graham.

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