Play It Again, Sam.
So Justice Sam Alito is playing the world’s smallest violin and threatening to cry me a river.
Justice Samuel Alito said that the leak of his draft opinion to overturn Roe v. Wade made his colleagues in the majority on the U.S. Supreme Court “targets for assassination.”
Gee, Sam, for a man who supported loosening gun laws you sound a little whiny. Thanks to you and your conservative buddies, we have first graders who are targets of assassination.
First, let me tell you that he expressed his appalling paranoia in a speech at The Heritage Society, which shows he has even less moral courage than he does judicial character.
His second whine was about Elena Kagan saying that the court’s “legitimacy is threatened when long-standing precedence is discarded.” Oh Honey, Alito quivered like jello over that. He just got himself all twisted every which way and starts talking about crossing lines.
“Someone also crosses an important line when they say that the court is acting in a way that is illegitimate. I don’t think anybody in a position of authority should make that claim lightly,” Alito said. “That’s not just ordinary criticism. That’s something very different.”
I know. I know, sweet reader, you’re rolling your eyes. Alito and Trump’s Dump of Justices have absolutely no place to criticize someone crossing a line. The line is about fifty yards behind them.
I’m just gonna stop for minute right here and take a breath. It’s as good a time as any to show Alito shaking his head no during a state of the union address when President Barack Obama called out the Citizens United decision.
And then the icing on the cake:
Alito has deep concerns over expanding the size of the court.
“If Congress were to change the size of the court and the public perceived that the reason for changing the size of the court was to influence decisions in future cases,” Alito asked. “What would that do to the public perception of our independence and our legitimacy?”
Whoa there, cowboy. You think holding up Obama’s nominee for a year until after Obama leaves office and then approving Amy Coney Barrett’s nomination overnight to replace Ginsberg didn’t reflect poorly on the makeup of the court?
I know Alito ain’t that stupid so it’s gotta be insanity. That, or he’s taken up beer drinking with Kavanaugh.
The Heritage Society. Give me a damn break, you stinkin’ coward.
(I’m sorry this was so long but I didn’t have time for a short one.)