Planned Parenthood Sues Texas. Texas Asks Women to Hide So They Won’t Be Seen.

April 11, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I liked America so much better before Christianity was a political party.

You know, whoever says that the government closest to the people is the best has never been to a school board meeting.  And whoever supports states’ rights doesn’t live in Texas.

Texas cut all state funding to Planned Parenthood for women’s health.  They only paid 10% of it but they cut that so that they could lose 90% they got from the feds.

You know how Republicans all believe that you should be able to chose your own doctor?  Well, except for women who are far too delicate and stupid to make those difficult decisions so Rick Perry and the Texas Republican Lege stepped up to do it for them, by gawd, because that’s just the kind of white male jerks they are.

Next, the 90% of funding that our Medicaid program gets comes from the feds.  They announced that Texas ran afoul of a federal law requiring that Medicaid recipients be able to choose care from any qualified provider willing to provide a service.

And even though Texas freely admits that Planned Parenthood was the most cost effective program to provide health services to women on Medicaid, they turned down 90% funding to punish Planned Parenthood because 2% of their budget goes to abortion services, and that 2% is provided by private donors.  This means that at least 50,000 Texas women will go without health services.

Now Planned Parenthood is suing Texas.

I am perfectly delighted that Planned Parenthood is standing up for women’s health.  It is way past time that someone stand up to the Republican bullies who think Texas is a theocracy and women are second class citizens.

I tried to be funny about this but when Texas women will die needlessly from breast cancer and cancer of the uterus because of somebody’s damn religion, it’s time to be an angry white female.

Stand with Planned Parenthood.   It’s your mother, your sister, your wife and your daughter.  Do not toss away their lives to make a political point.

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