Pistol Pete Sessions: All Koched Up
It was not enough for Texas Congressvarmint Pete Sessions to be linked to Jack Abramoff, Blimpgate with his aide Adrian Plesha, $44,000 and fancy trips to Fire Island as gifts from Alan Sanford, $30,000 from the Wyly Brothers, and a $1,000,000 below market rate loan Countrywide Financial (yes, the troubled mortgage lender) that he never disclosed on his financial disclosure form.
Nope, if there’s a money scumbag left unopened, Pete Sessions will find it, exploit it, and move on to devour more and more dirty money.
In fact, when he dies, they’ll have to bury him at Fort Knox.
And he’s currently snorting Koch.
He’s so slick he can’t keep his socks up.
Thanks to Alfredo over at the Dairy Queen for the heads up.