Pistol Packin’ Mama(la)

October 08, 2024 By: Half Empty Category: Uncategorized

Vice President Kamala Harris has admitted on 60 Minutes that she owns a Glock pistol, and The Daily Caller has called on her to … well … lay that pistol down.

Not that The Daily Caller is anti-gun. Far from it. The Daily Caller is a right-wing conspiracy spreader founded by former Fox News pundit and neofascist Tucker Carlson.

But oh, the hypocrisy! The humanity! A Democratic presidential candidate owns a pistol that is currently illegal to buy or sell in California!

It’s a hypocrisy the likes of which the entire world has never seen before. It’s bigly!

Harris’s Glock, as are all Glocks, is equipped to accept a 15-bullet magazine when, according to a California state gun safety law passed in 2000, the magazines cannot hold more than 10 rounds. Glocks are also not equipped with a loaded chamber indicator and magazine disconnect as required by California’s law.

Harris, they say, could be arrested! They could throw her in jail for a year! TFG may have 34 felony convictions, but he wouldn’t be the only presidential jailbird! Not by a long shot!

Or not.

Turns out the very same law exempts present and former law enforcement officers from its provisions, which Kamala Harris, as a former AG, is one of.

But she could be arrested if she wasn’t!

Near as I can tell, The Daily Caller wouldn’t object to every American’s God-given right to own a TOW anti-tank missile launcher or an M249 Squad Automatic Weapon (a SAW machine gun). But somehow, Harris’s ownership of a Glock pistol is an issue worth column inches.

I gotta say, when the neofascists want to show off their hypocrisy, they do go all out, don’t they?

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0 Comments to “Pistol Packin’ Mama(la)”

  1. Good one! Thanks for sleuthing that out. I knew they’d have their panties in a twist when I heard her on 60 minutes. And when asked the stupid question “Have you fired it?”, gave the ‘are your really that stupid?’ look and laugh, and said “Of course I have. At the firing range.” You KNOW she wanted to say “And if the crazies want to pull a Pelosi caper on me, I’ll F’in shoot.”

  2. The RWNJs are beginning to get nervous as the realization sinks into their lizard brains that many libruls are actually as well-armed (or better) as they brag to be.

    Fenway Fran @1, I saw a video clip of MVP Harris being asked about that issue of the gun and an intruder. Harris actually said (slightly paraphrasing) that if someone were to attempt breaking into her “fucking” front door she would use the weapon (the F word was bleeped out, but you knew and read her lips).

    The operative word being the F word, which I found hilarious.
    My ex gets real mad if I let slip an F word, and here’s the person she most admires (I think) swearing like a sailor…

  3. RepubAnon says:

    I’ve not been able to find any laws written in the 1800’s restricting ownership of tactical nuclear devices.

  4. And hell yes, I’d luv to have an M142 HIMARS or M270 MLRS out in my parking area (I have a long driveway and a huge 12+ vehicle parking area in front of the house).

    My hordes of RWNJ neighbors would be sh!tting their britches.


  5. slipstream says:

    I don’t need a HIMARS. I have space lasers.

  6. I don’t own a gun and never will. I also have never received a death threat, unlike MVP. In fact, the citizens of DC have voted TWICE since 1976 to outlaw private ownership of handguns in the city; however, since we pay Federal taxes but are not a state, the gun nuts have a field day with our laws. Not to mention SCOTUS.

  7. Civilians can legally purchase a plethora of models of Glock Gen 3 handguns in California. They have a 10 round magazine and pass California certification. Law enforcement people can still purchase or own Gen 4 and Gen 5 Glocks. Aside from the magazine capacity, there is not enough difference to matter to most people. The Daily Caller and Tucker Carlson are morons.

  8. Not on my 2024 election Bingo Card:

    Republicans are comin’ fer yer guns!

  9. I’m old enough to remember (well, actually I remember reading about it…) when Ronnie Raygun managed to get a gun control law passed in California when the Black Panthers began arming themselves during his term as governor in the ’60s. Maybe that’s what the rest of us should do — arm ourselves to the teeth such that the NSGOP concedes that gun control might actually be a good idea.

  10. BFSMan, if we did as you thought, there would always be a RWNJ more than ready to publicly take you out. They have “no borders.” I bet there is already a NSGOP who can’t wait for the opportunity to land in his lap.


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