Pick Your Super Tuesday Winner Here

March 02, 2020 By: El Jefe Category: 2020 Election

Five Thirty Eight has posted a Super Tuesday simulation so you can pick your scenario, and now that Buttigieg and Steyer have finally dropped out, the various scenarios are much clearer to see. Warren, Bloomberg, and Klobuchar supporters will hate this exercise since it won’t let you pick an individual primary simulation that has  less than .5% chance of winning.  I couldn’t come up with a scenario that shows a path to the nomination for Warren and Klobuchar, but if you pick Bloomberg even in states he’s trailing, the simulation gives a path for him to at least have a seat at the table during the convention.  I played with the model for a bit, and was able to come up with wins for both Sanders and Biden.  The model recalculates probabilities with each selection, so it’s interesting to play around with it.  If you look at their primary forecast, “No One” is leading since there are still too many zero percent candidates diluting the votes of actual candidates.  Bloomberg’s entry has also lowered the odds for everyone.  Once Warren and Klobuchar finally drop out, the battle against Bloomberg will begin in earnest, and that will be a battle royal.

If you’re in a Super Tuesday state, be sure to vote tomorrow if you haven’t already.

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