Phoney as a Three Dollar Wig

October 15, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

You know that lying thing that Mitt Romney does?  It’s contagious.

The 6 Studies Paul Ryan Cited Prove Mitt Romney’s Tax Plan Is Impossible

Romney’s tax plan is a three-legged stool that doesn’t stand. Here’s how it works — or doesn’t. Romney wants to 1) cut tax rates across the board by 20 percent, 2) cut tax expenditures to pay for these tax cuts, and 3) maintain progressivity. The problem, as the Tax Policy Center pointed out, is there aren’t enough tax expenditures for the rich to pay for all the tax cuts for the rich. Romney’s plan only works if he cuts out the tax cuts for the rich, raises taxes on the middle class, or explodes the deficit.

No wonder Ole Joe was grinning from but butt to this eyebrows.

If the three choice for Romney are:  cut taxes for the rich, raises taxes on the middle class, or explodes the deficit, I’ll give you one dollar down bet on which one it will be.  Hint:  It won’t be the rich.

I hear Romney is holed up getting ready for the debate.  Getting his batteries changed and transplanting Dick Cheney’s old heart into his chest.

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0 Comments to “Phoney as a Three Dollar Wig”

  1. What?

    “No wonder Ole Joe was grinning from but butt to this eyebrows.”

    I’d say Ole Joe was grinning from ear-to-ear! ^ that makes no sense at all … LOL

  2. Actually, Joe did a very impressive version of the Cheshire cat grin.

  3. Now I am not the sharpest pencil in the box, and I do not have a degree in economics, but even I know that the only way the Romney Ryan plan works as described is with smoke an mirrors – a time honored political tradition.

    The thing is the only way to deal with the deficit is to raise taxes, cut defense spending, and restructure entitlements. You have to do all three in combination or it doesn’t work – it is that math thing. Now I suspect that Romney and Ryan know this because I do not judge them to be complete and total idiots. So this begs the question which are they? Liars or morons? Jury is still out.

  4. Bo Leeyeau says:

    Please! Stop trying to confuse me with facts and arithmetic since my mind is already made up.

  5. Deb–

    Some of those “entitlements” that have to be reduced are the “entitlements” not to pay taxes on income because “we deserve to keep our money.”

    My hero, Ben Franklin, thought that allowing some to have enormous wealth was going to be a really bad thing for the country. I’m glad he didn’t win his argument for an “income cap,” but I think he was onto something about the dangers of a superwealthy few—especially when they somehow have a sense of “entitlement” to it all.

  6. Gramiam … I agree … Joe’s grin could definitely be classified as Cheshire in nature!!! LOL

  7. Jonathan Chait has some ideas about what might happen if either guy wins. This is a l-o-n-g but insightful article in which one can place more than a little credence. His assessment of where Obama will go in January 2012 had me smacking my head and saying, “Wow, why didn’t I see that? Answer: I am just not as smart as these guys.

  8. Thanks, Deb, for posting the link. One very personal “thing” about this election is that I am paying so much more attention to how our government works, and what the CBO is, etc. I have learned so much. This article explains so many things that I didn’t truly understand before!

  9. Romney has already indicated that he strongly believes that the 47% of Americans who don’t pay federal income taxes should do so. I guess that “loophole” for SS income has got to go. On a separate issue re the debate, please let’s have our cheering section ready. It’s bad enough when the Repubs laud their guy’s victory, but too many Dems also bad-mouthed and undermined the President (not on this site, but TPM and RawStory). That’s not how you win elections. The right knows that–why do you think the base is supporting Romney, a guy they despise? So, however the debate goes, focus on good points Obama makes and lies Romney tells. November 6 is getting close.

  10. djw- I could not agree more. Isn’t it interesting how definitions of entitlement and fairness differ between Republicans and Democrats? It often leaves me shaking my head if only because it is either that or chew wire and spit nails which is hard on the teeth and gums.

    Jan – I am glad to hear you say that. I found the article to be a real eye opener! I was stunned by his conclusion. “In essence, the main domestic work of the past three presidents—Clinton, Bush, and Obama—is all on the ballot this November. Whichever party wins will have within its grasp the power to break the back of the other’s political-economic macro-strategy. Obama and Romney may like to say they can work their will through agreement and reconciliation with the other party. But the tools that will be at their disposal are too blunt even to ­acknowledge.”

  11. Three of these six studies are blog entries, one is letter to the editor in the WSJ, another is a paper from the Romney campaign and the other last assumes that Romney has a different plan than he has announced.

    If blog posts count, then President Obama can cite this thread and be on as sound footing as the studies being used by Romney and Ryan

  12. Don A in Pennsyltucky says:

    And in the Cassandra department, ever since Ryan brought out this cockamamie budget, Paul Krugman has been calling it a fraud. But the Very Serious People inside the Beltway have decided that Ryan is an original thinker. If Ryan’s an original thinker, I’m the Borg Queen.
