Perv Report 2.0

November 13, 2017 By: El Jefe Category: Holy Crap

Roy Moore’s reputation continued to circle the drain today as he was yet again accused on national television of assault on a teenaged girl.  File under It Gets Worse Every Day, now residents of Gadsden, Alabama, Tighty-Whitey Moore’s hometown, are starting to spill the beans about him, some saying they can’t believe that the town’s worst kept secret stayed a secret for over 30 years.  This is what happens when a dirtbag becomes locally powerful; they stay powerful until one person decides that enough is enough and speaks out.  The noise then gets louder and louder, overpowering the bullshit spread by the perpetrator.

Hopefully, what we’re witnessing in Alabama, Hollywood, New York, and other cities is a movement.  Maybe that movement will reach the cancer now infesting our White House.  Maybe if his victims get loud enough, that cancer can be cured through immunotherapy.


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