Personally, I Think It Makes Him Frisky

May 23, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

There’s this guy in Florida running against Debbie Wasserman Schultz.  His name is Ozzie deFaria and his game is dog catcher.

He put up a website called with a picture of Representative Wasserman-Schultz wearing a dog collar.


Apparently, he’s into the kinky stuff.

Plus, there’s a that whole thing about how we ladies just love women depicted as dogs.

Dream on, Ozzie deFaria of Weston, Florida.  Dream on, Dude.

Ozzie deFaria of Weston, Florida. Growl for me, Baby.

Thanks to Linda for the heads-up.

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0 Comments to “Personally, I Think It Makes Him Frisky”

  1. Wouldn’t he look good strapped to the roof of a car.

  2. LOL at montag … oh yeah …

  3. This is way off-topic, but in that picture, Debbie W-S looks amazingly like Alex Kingston of ER and Dr. Who fame.

    Ozzie needs to meet Prof. River Song aka Alex Kingston, be nothing left but smoking ash.

  4. fenway fran says:

    I think you’re right, Luis. And man, he should talk about dogs…bet he isn’t getting any. He reminds me of the Louis (or Lewis?) character on the lawyer show Suits.

  5. Lorinda Pike says:

    He seems less a canine, and more of a weasel-like species (genus Mustela of the family Mustelidae).

    I have seen many weasels dressed in suits. Congress is just chock-ful of ’em…

  6. BarbinDC says:

    Oh, please. How many doofuses (doofusi?) blindly take on Miss Debbie and have NO idea what they are getting into? She will have his b@lls for breakfast without batting an eyelash.
