People With No Memory Except For Benghazi

January 27, 2021 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

My favorite new phenomenon is this idea that we need to “move on.”  We can’t impeach Trump because we need to move on.

What the flower-scented hell are they talking about?  How long did we spend on Benghazi? How long did we investigate and prosecute a blow job where nobody died?

Move on? And then I heard one of those senators – I can’t remember which one because they all look like a long snake biting each other’s tails – say that we have major problems in this country and we need to get about fixing them.  In a week? You think we got all these problems in a week?  Why the Lysol-scented hell do you think we have problems if you and Mr. I Can Fix It made America great again? Sneeze, you damn fool, because your brain is dusty.

And now arises out of the tulip-scent hell the idea that we liberals were so mean to Precious Donnie.  We picked on him for 4 years and ruined his life. I do not believe in physical violence but I will stomp on your toes if you say that to me. Poor rich white guy with a ten foot bully stick. How many lives did that sludge muffin ruin, or kill?  Honey, his Twitter account alone will get him a ticket to hell and with the Covid deaths he’s close to getting to Pol Pot numbers.

How quickly a bully turns victim.


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