People Know. A LOT of People Know

February 02, 2022 By: El Jefe Category: 2020 Election, Insurrection, Sedition, Treason (Yes, We're Going There), Trump

The sordid details of TFG’s extreme efforts to stay in power after he lost the election in 2020 are finally surfacing.  TFG tried to get the US military, the DOJ, and Homeland Security to seize the voting machines in states he lost so he could steal the presidency away from millions and millions of voters who chose the other guy.  I even remember the rumors that were floating around that the US military was seizing machines, as far fetched as that sounded pre-January 6. Today, it’s perfectly plausible, because that’s EXACTLY what TFG was actually trying to do.  He’s even publicly admitted it.

Even today, all of these facts are not only shocking, they are enraging.  It REALLY pisses me off that people in the government KNEW what he was doing.  A LOT of people knew what he was doing.  Many people in these agencies were aware of TFG’s efforts to steal the election; more important, those in high ranking political and non-political offices knew, including the Joint Chiefs, Attorney(s) General, Secretary of Homeland Security, the FBI, CIA, and hundreds of staffers in these agencies.  Fortunately for us our brittle system held this time, but that’s unlikely the next time it happens (and it will) with the changes Republicans have rammed through the state legislatures over the last year to make it easier to overturn election results they don’t like.

What I want to know, and I demand this answer, is where in the hell have these hundreds of people been in the last year?  Because he was so dangerous, I understand the cone of silence until we ousted TFG from the WH, but why the silence since then?  Now he’s just a crazy old fat man sitting on his gold plated toilet screaming at his television. It’s been over a year since he committed serious crimes on both state and federal levels, and NO ONE has come forward with the full story.  Why in the hell isn’t the FBI perp walking him right now?  This son of a bitch almost succeeded in overturning a national election, aided by many, many, co-conspirators.  Why aren’t THOSE people being perp walked?

Hey, Merrick Garland, DO YOUR DAMN JOB.  No more eggshell walking – go after this guy and everyone who either aided him or even looked the other way.  If there is such a thing as accessory to sedition, THIS IS IT.

Get to work.

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0 Comments to “People Know. A LOT of People Know”

  1. When Richard Nixon was allowed to walk for his crimes, it let the bastards know that they could get away with anything and everything.

  2. G Foresight says:

    Unaccountability leads to a system where we are now.

    What was the number of Wall Street executives prosecuted for fraud related to the 2008 financial meltdown? Zero comes to mind, or close to that number I seem to recall.

    Even when misdeeds are openly admitted, consequences don’t seem possible:

    “The former president admitted this week that his plan was to overthrow America — which, of course, we knew all along — and he is still a free man.” – Walter Shaub

    An unpunished failed coup is a training exercise. Those unpunished feed one one another and amplify their next attempt.

  3. Jane & PKM says:

    What would it take to extract the entire truth from Billy Blob Barr and the former Vice Poodle? Now would be a great time to find out, Merrick.

  4. Steve from Beaverton says:

    The cult faction of the repugnantican party not only knows what he and his handlers were trying, they support it. At one point I think I heard that the trumpf cult was over 30% of voters, but as despicable as it seems, I think the cult has grown not shrunk. It’s an overwhelming majority of that party. And as was mentioned yesterday, nothing will happen to the teflon donnie. His team of perps trying to overturn the election will simply say the plans weren’t carried out, so no harm, no foul, no crime. And here we are waiting for the next time which will be much easier and likely to be successful.

  5. Sandridge says:

    One of the greatest failures of the Biden Presidency is the almost complete inaction in rooting out and removing the thousands of Rethug moles and trumpian subversives burrowed into every level of the federal government. Let alone the others in other government offices who should be/are subject to many charges.

    Every political party normally ‘cleans house’ when assuming office. Biden has not, as the Rethuglikans correctly assumed when they feverishly packed the bureaucracy full of their minions.

    Joe’s failures here are going to bite us all and fatally infect us with the rumpies.

  6. Grandma Ada says:

    The scary thing is many of these lower ranking people are still in their government jobs. No wonder the GOP won’t let Senators vote on people like Ed Gonzales!

  7. It is said (apocryphal?) that presidents invited J. Edger Hoover into the White House early in their administrations to thank him for his service, and dismiss him from his position. J. Edgar walked in with a thick file, slid it across the desk to the president who after skimming decided maybe it would be better for them personally if he stayed on.

    Professional courtesy?
    Honor among thieves?
    Or just that the one smart thing Trump might have done was have Eric xerox FBI files on everyone that might come after him. It doesn’t have to be much, he has Fox News ready to whip up the smallest molehill into a mountain. Every hour, all day, all week, as long as necessary.

  8. The Surly Professor says:

    El Jefe, the explanation is simple. They are cowards, and lately they’ve started feeling the heat. Too cowardly to speak up before now, and too cowardly to stick it out and hope T**** and his spawn and henchmen get the blame.

    But with the J6 committee zeroing in, they’re trying to deflect things onto TFG and his inner circle. Thereby showing the same degree of loyalty and honesty that their orange wankstain of a “leader” shows to them.

    We’re entering the crab bucket phase now, so expect lots of these enablers to scramble around trying to pull down their former colleagues and save themselves.
