Pence’s New Book Deal

April 08, 2021 By: El Jefe Category: Trump, Uncategorized

Mike Pence just signed a double book deal with Simon and Schuster, announcing that the first one will be an autobiography.  The question is, who is going to want to read these?  MAGAites hate him and wanted to lynch him for not interfering in the certification of the electoral vote, and normal people think he’s a moron.

All we have to say is that this deal is going to generate a lot of toilet paper.

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0 Comments to “Pence’s New Book Deal”

  1. It will be on the $1 table very quickly. I still won’t buy it – too rough for toilet paper.

  2. The Surly Professor says:

    Of course no one is going to read it. The corporate wing of the Republican party will buy copies by the truckload, to make it look like Pence has some standing or brains. A few evangelicals will buy it because he pretends to be one of them. But read it? Naw, they don’t even read the bible which they claim is the full, complete, and exact word of God.

    Really, other than a few journalists looking to mine it for laughs, and maybe a suffering copy editor at the publishers, has anyone really read DJT Junior’s book?

  3. How many trees will have died for this drivel?

  4. The Surly Professor @ 2,

    A quote from the late great Molly Ivins: “If he were any dumber, they’d sit him on a windowsill and water him twice a week.”

  5. I recall a report that when he was Governor of TN his nickname was “Mike Dense.”

    I wonder who the ghostwriter of this book was?

    At least the e-book version will not create paper waste.

  6. Jane & PKM says:

    Not one tree should be sacrificed, until the publishers sell a minimum of 10 pre-paid e-books. The former Vice Poodle has hit a new low in the definition of unfit to print.

  7. Bob Boland says:

    G – I think you mean IN – Indiana – not TN – Tennessee. We have enough damfool Republican politicos here without adding little Mikey Dense, thank you.

  8. Nit-picking here:

    Pence was governor of Indiana.

    We have our own idiot as the Tennessee governor, Bill Lee. Bill is another rich, white guy, inherited money and business, and is trying to be Dotard.

    It’s as bad here as it is in my home state of Texas. Unfortunately.

  9. The Surly Professor says:

    A student of mine forwarded a tweet from Randy Fidler:
    “It’ll be a downloadable PDF, as there’s no chance it has a spine.”

    G @ 5: as a resident of the third-world state of Indiana, Pence was a Hoosier governor. And since one of the IU campus buildings was erected during his mis-administration, the building plate has his name on it. Some enterprising student matched color and font exactly, changing it to “Dense”. For over a year, no one in authority noticed it, but many students came by and laughed at it.

    I fully deny knowing who she was, or having any part in the modification. All I did was reimburse a student of mine for the supply expenses involved in a “visualization” project.

  10. Pence’s most memorable feature is he’s so forgettable.

  11. JDS2017 says:

    I’d sooner read the biography of a loaf of Wonder Bread!

  12. Maybe it will be sprinkled with humor like how the Secret Service always lost track of him outside when it snows. Or his favorite foods – oatmeal, white bread, white rice, popcorn, cauliflower, parsnips, and white chicken meat (can’t use the anatomical description around mother).

  13. Grandma Ada says:

    Other than using campaign funds to buy books, ala Cruz, I think the main purchasers will be news outlets that need some poor soul to report on it.

  14. Thanks all for the correction! IN / TN / TX / FL etc. — The R Governors do seem to blur into a composite, interchangeable, anti-superhero caricature.

  15. CaptainDan says:

    The main question should be who is going to be the “ghost writer”?

  16. thatotherjean says:

    Mike Pence is going to “write” a book? I feel sorry for his ghost-writer. There’s no “there” there.

  17. You mean the holy books written by Apostle Pence of Lord Trump Rapture Ready Hierarchy?
    Why the religious right will suck these books up while rubbing their shinny Jesus crosses around their neck, looking for encouraging signs of the Apocalypse.

  18. I always thought of Pence as the Invisible Man when he was VP. Standing in the background, hiding in the shadows.

    My suggestion to the publisher of the book, print it in invisible ink. The text is only revealed when Trump Vodka is poured on the pages.

  19. CaptainDan says:

    I thought Simon and Schuster would have better judgement!

  20. slipstream says:

    I have seen a draft of the manuscript. 237 blank pages, then there’s a fly.

  21. Buttermilk Sky says:

    Dense Mike wants to run for president so I assume the second volume will be a campaign manifesto. Bet neither of them mentions his narrow escape from a lynch mob on 1/6.

  22. Steve from Beaverton says:

    G @ 5- the ghost writer will probably be his mommy wifey, the original karen. At least she’ll have to approve anything he writes in case he slips something salacious in there. He’s not allowed to do anything without her approval.

  23. Steve from Beaverton says:

    I know this is OT, but I like what I’m hearing about mr gaetz today. There’s video of he, trumpf, desantis and gaetz’s cohort Greenberg together in Florida. Better yet, Greenberg’s attorney in speaking to the press about his clients impending plea deal says that matt gaetz is “probably not feeling very good today”. I hope gaetz is sweating ala giuliani style right now!.

  24. Harry Eagar says:

    Shortest chapter: My Accomplishments

    Second-shortest: That time I shared some yuks with Donald

  25. twocrows says:

    Shirt @ 10:
    I only WISH I could forget the gaze of adoration he constantly bestowed on he who shall not be named.
    I’ve almost recovered from the nausea, thank you.
