Pence – ive?

July 11, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Word has it that Trump has narrowed down his Veep list to Mike Pence, Chris Christy, and a general yet to be named.

So a governor from Indiana or New Jersey?  Why would they do it?

UnknownWhy does Pence want to be Trump’s #2? The hard truth is that he’s not too popular in the Hoosier State, and he could very possibly lose reelection to a second term as governor of Indiana this November, which would end his political career. Joining Trump would let him get out of that pickle. His advisers tell National Review’s Eliana Johnson that they think even being on a losing ticket with Trump would position Pence as a top prospect in either 2020 or 2024.

So Pence thinks losing with Trump will help him get elected President later on?  They do know that as Trump’s veep candidate, all he’s leaving with is Trump’s pee on his head?

Hell, by late September, Trump will be bad-mouthing his own veep candidate.


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