Paying The Epshteyn Machine

July 08, 2024 By: Half Empty Category: Uncategorized

Back in 2016, I distinctly recall a presidential candidate egg on the members of his rally audiences to commit battery on others at the rally because he didn’t like how they were acting or what they were saying. “Knock the crap out of ’em,” he growled. “I’ll pay your legal fees,” he offered to them.

Did anyone ever take him up on that?

Since the answer is a resounding “crickets,” then you haven’t heard the news about The Felonious Guy’s lawyer and advisor, Boris Epshteyn. That’s him at right coming out of some courtroom, a common sight these days.

In May, Epshteyn found himself in a pickle in Arizona when he was indicted in The Case of the Fake Electors. The matter showcases another MAGA attempt at committing election fraud by claiming that a set of Republican Electors were legitimately produced as the duly sworn Electors in Arizona’s 2020 presidential election.

They were not. Arizona went for Biden by 10,467 votes, or 0.3% of the vote. Close, but no cigar.

Epshteyn apparently helped out with that scheme, earning him a place in court with 17 other TFG idolizers, many of whom also appeared on the list of defendents in Georgia’s RICO trial.

But this is Boris’s first dance with election treachery. He’s been “in the room” before but never got his name on a true bill.

And to our knowledge, TFG has never coughed up a single “dead president” to pay anyone’s legal fees other than his own – with PAC money no less.

So how is it that we find out, through TFG’s own Save America PAC’s FEC report, that it paid Epshteyn’s attorneys, Tully Bailey LLP, a total of $50,000 on May 14, 2024?

That’s a lotta lucre for a lawyer’s legal fees.

It could just be that The Former Guy, or more probably his accomplices, have learned from past experience that you don’t let your lawyer stew in Otisville Federal Prison while you lord it in the Oval.

They get a bad case of resentment if not outright hostility. They might even testify against you.

Just ask Michael Cohen.

0 Comments to “Paying The Epshteyn Machine”

  1. rastybob says:

    Don the con sure do love him some O.P.M.[other peoples money]
    Don’t mind giving it away. Line up suckers. After all He is J.C. come again.
    What I would like to hear is R.J. Johnson explaining to his son what the R.J. stands for and why he is on his hands and knees behind Trump with his face between his butt cheeks. And how that is part of his Baptist faith.

  2. Steve from Beaverton says:

    I think maybe trumpf has an affinity for Boris because he likes throwing his weight around and trying to grope women. In 2014 and 2021 he was arrested for getting a little too close and pushy. Of course he was able to slide out of actual assault charges by plea deals. Real high class schmuck. Perfect advisor for trumpf.
