
August 01, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, okay, you know it pains me to put a link to Breitbart, but there is apparently no way around it and still be able to tell you the coolest story of the day.

Louie Gohmert is so damn weird that even the Republicans, who have cornered the market on weird, think he’s weird.

So Boehner called a Republicans Only / No Girls Allowed Club meeting over the fake “border crisis.”   Gohmert set about hacking off everybody.  The subject came up of Becky Tallent, the speaker’s immigration aide.  Gohmert thinks she has too much heart, plus she’s a girl.

So Gohmert questions the Boehner about her.  (Now, I need to tell you to be real careful about opening this link. It’s Breitbart and when you go there, all manner of new windows automatically open trying to sell you a movie called “The World is Ending!  The World is Ending!  And We’re Serious About It This Time.”  When you try to close the window, up pops all these dire warning that you’re gonna die if you don’t watch this movie.  People who go to Breitbart should be on their front porch throwing rocks at little children instead of being trusted on the computer machine.)

Anyway …

Gohmert asks Boehner about Becky Tallent.

Boehner rose from his chair and told Gohmert to knock it off, that he was “sick” of him bringing up Tallent. According to one member present, Boehner was visibly angry, “erupting” out of his chair to address Gohmert.

As Boehner turned back around, Gohmert stood silently for a moment before asking, “So then why did you hire her?”

Without getting back up to the microphone, his voice raised, Boehner retorted, “because she’s well-qualified on immigration!”

Tallent was in the room during the Boehner-Gohmert dust-up, and several Republicans said the episode was painfully awkward to watch.

One Republican at the meeting called Gohmert’s conduct “disturbing” and “deranged” and said “Boehner did exactly the right thing, and I only wish he’d expelled Gohmert from the room.”

I only have one thing to say to John Boehner.  Dude, he’s yours.  You help create his gerrymandered district.  You nuzzled up to the religious right when you needed their vote.   Dr. Frankenstein, Louie Gohmert is your monster.

Dr. Frankenstein called his monster “a vile insect” and “abhorred devil.”  Yep, that pretty much sums up Louie Gohmert.


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Welcome to our world, Boehner.

Thanks to Brian for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Payback”

  1. Marge Wood says:

    I wonder if Gohmert sleeps with his mouth open in full shout.

  2. Fred Farklestone says:

    Want to get rid of thus annoying pop-up ads try this program, it’s fantastic plus it’s free!

  3. I will take your word for it. The thought of going to Breitbart gives me the vapors.

  4. I’ll go with “vile insect,” but I think that “abhorred devil” is well above Louie’s capability. Perhaps “irritating imp.” Or “deranged shoe elf.”

  5. Having lived in East Texas sometime back, I’m not certain gerrymandering had much to do with this cretin’s election. Don’t think you could create a district up there without a dunderhead for representation. He also touts himself as a strong Southern Baptist, an organization I left over thirty years ago. Interestingly, I’ve recently had a most rewarding exchange of emails with Rev. Marv Knox of the Baptist Standard. He was decrying the lack of Christian charity and thought concerning the children on the border. I told him that were there more like him, I perhaps would have remained in the SBC (or at least had a more charitable outlook toward the denomination).

  6. You should use when you llink to things like Breitbart, which “link without improving “their” search engine position.”

    It gives you a unique address for your internal link that doesn’t help the site in rankings.

  7. Here is the length to Rev. Knox’s comments. I think it appropriate given the Gohmert’s and the like’s false religion, to know that good people still exist in this world.

  8. I’d say that Boehner and Gohmert deserve each other. May they live unhappily ever after.

  9. Aggieland liz says:

    Anybody read The Shining? John Boehner puts me forcibly in mind of the progression Danny’s dad made as the Overlook took possession of him; Boehner used to be a nice moderate Golf-on-Sat-Mass-on-Sunday-Cathlick-bidnessman-Main-Street-Republican…and look at the shambling thing he has become. He should have read Dr Faustus…

    Louie Gomert has a big mouth and an inflated idea of his importance in the great scheme of things. I mean, East Texas for pete’s sake. I’ll bet his asparagus casts aspersions on him!

  10. Aggieland liz says:

    How strange! My phone liked the H in Boehner but corrected it out of Gohmert three times (I forced it in there this time)

  11. I just love Marcia in CO’s phrase “pernicious pissant”, describing Gohmert to a T. And, yes, the mainstream Republicans are reaping what they sowed from insects like Gohmert et al.

  12. A couple of the comments on that page, from the faithful:

    “Louie is a former judge. so he knows what he talks about when he says something”

    ” Gohmert is a pit bull when he wants or needs to be. I would love to see him rise even further in the ranks, he’s one of a very few Republicans that’s worth trusting”

    …and we wonder who votes yahoos like him in.

  13. Marcia in CO says:

    @maryelle … thank you … that was one of those little lightbulb moments to come up with “pernicious pissant” … LOL

    Aggieland Liz … I have no doubt that Louie’s asparagus does cast aspersions on him … that totally cracked me up!!

  14. Yeah, Boehner deserves all the grief he gets from his Tea Party comrades. But… Seems to me the Texas leg gets the credit for its gerrymandered districts.

  15. Pissant is one of my favorite asparagusses for the tealaban ‘publicans. Thank you, Marcia, for the improvement.

  16. Marge Wood says:

    Gohmert’s worth trusting? Well, you have to trust that he will always say whatever is wandering through his mind, and I’ve heard that he represents his constituents.

  17. Thank you….. JJ…. for reading that…… so I don’t have to.

  18. aggieland liz says:

    So glad I can share the humor now and then Marcia in CO! I swear you all can keep me laughing when I would otherwise just pull the blankets over my head and retreat!

  19. Marcia in CO says:

    @aggieland … I agree … more often then not, this place gives me the best laughs of any given day! It’s a page I check all day long, especially for the comments!!

    Biggomama … You are welcome!! :o)

  20. Hell that would have been a worthy pay-per-view event, only thing missing would be Bone-man throwing a shoe at Gohmert.

  21. Old Fart says:

    Sorry to keep beating the dead horse, but I can’t help but think there is a “save us from ourselves”, “why haven’t you cleaned up Bush’s messes yet” vibe to all this malodorous bovine excrement. I REALLY doubt that the people that funded this furball congress are displeased with their results. Taking the government apart, as it stands, is what they want… a bunch of disorganized weak groups that can’t fight back when dominant interests force their agenda.

    Well, ya get what ya pays for…

  22. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Or, as President Obama said: “Orange really is the new black.”

  23. Yup, Orange Joe. He’s your baby!

  24. Thanks, JJ, but I’ll never link to Breitbart, even from the WMDBS.

  25. Ralph Wiggam says:

    When does thew “Pottery Barn Rule” apply to the Republican Party?

    Sooner or later some Republican is going to point a finger at the Tea Party and say “You broke it, you bought it.”

    And my face will crack because I’m smiling so big.

  26. Ralph Wiggam says:

    So when does the Pottery Barn Rule apply to the Republican Party?

    Tea Baggers broke it, now they own it.

  27. I’ve stumbled onto Breitbart once or twice; it is a scary place but does not leave lasting effects….some nightmares…but n mental scarring….the poster are defiantly ignorant! Like LooneyLouie

  28. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Great question, Ralph Wiggam! When does the alleged party of ‘responsibility’ actually demonstrate that they will do the right thing?

    There’s the Reagan era break Central America and our economy, with “Trickle Down” dumb economics. Followed by George HW Bush with too many CIA shenanigans to list.
    Because it’s Friday and I respect Juanita Jean’s Mama, won’t even start on the Dubya years.

    Then comes the Ted Cruz missile and his government crashing stupid. Then this week he and the idiots he could muster amongst the Teatards sabotaged immigration reform.

    Again, when will those idiots “own it” Ralph Wiggam? I say November 2014, when we get out the vote and send the morons packing.

    I want a House, a big liberal, progressive sane House that will have the intestinal fortitude to impeach 5 of the 5-4 ninnies and kick the Koch addicted to the curb.

  29. ROTFLMBO!!! One of the chickens has come home to roost and he’s spreading poop all over the place! That Gohmert is so out of control serves Boehner right because he has done nothing to stop Gohmert and the other nuts from pooping all over the nation.

  30. Food for thought:
    The Governor who in his infinite wisdom appointed Louis Gohmert as Chief Justice on Texas’s 12th Court of Appeals is probably going to run for President, again.

  31. Marge Wood says:

    I looked up Louie Gohmert 12th Court of Appeals and read most of a really long and entertaining essay about Gohmert in Wikipedia. Somebody or other challenges the “neutrality” of the article. Whatever. You’re bound to smile.

  32. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Marge Wood, yeah, I’ve googled Loopy Louie a few times. My favorite take away is his middle name, Buller. That suits Louie.

    Just when I am close to cutting him some slack, and maybe thinking he’s “dumb like a fox,” he erupts again and cancels that thought. Nope. He’s dumber than a box of hammers, far less useful and a seriously defective person for his attacks on refuge children.

    Offer is still open for him to visit El Salvador with my friend as his guide. I’ll buy the airline tickets; two way for my friend, one way for Louie. Louie gets the full experience of traveling with the children on the trains and across the desert. Hurts just to think those children would share what little food and water they have with him. But they would, because they’re better people than Louie.

  33. Jim Maughan says:

    Just dropped by to reassure myself that most Texans aren’t cowardly, child fearing dingbats.

    OK, mission accomplished. Carry on.
    A concerned Canadian friend still missing Molly.
