Paul Ryan’s House Interns (Seriously. I am Not Making This Up.)

July 17, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Well, lookie here ….


Screen Shot 2016-07-17 at 3.26.31 PM

Okay, there’s guys, there’s women, there’s white people … oh.  Oh dear.



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0 Comments to “Paul Ryan’s House Interns (Seriously. I am Not Making This Up.)”

  1. 1smartcanerican says:

    Typical GOP group photo! How can Ryan be so absolutely blind to the fact that this country has all sorts of people, not just white people. No awareness at all of how this looks.

  2. e platypus onion says:

    Quite a diverse group of extremely white people. I used a hand held magnifying glass and couldn’t even see five o’clock shadow anywhere.

  3. e platypus onion says:

    Ok, I confess. If you look at the girl in the blue dress, top right side of photo and count five bodies to her right, there might be Pyush Jindal’s head. Helps to zoom in a little bit.

  4. RepubAnon says:

    Isn’t that a meeting of the Ayn Rand Fan Club?

  5. JAKvirginia says:

    Right epo! Frame in, folks. Right side waaaaay in the back. Face is a little hidden.

    One. One person of color. ONE! Damn that affirmative action!!!

    Me thinks Mr. Jon Stewart will have pleeeeenty of material to use over the next 6 days. Look for the Emmy nomination to come.

  6. Barbara says:

    On the positive side, maybe not one person of color WANTED to be his intern. (yeah, I know)

  7. Looks like a meeting of Melanin Deficiency Anonymous.

  8. …or a meeting of Future Republicans of America.

  9. e platypus onion says:

    TTPT-are you making fun of Drumpf’s missus? 🙂

  10. Looking at that one darkish face…. Does anybody else remember the song, “I’m a Lonely Little Petunia in an Onion Patch,” or was that a drug-induced 60s hallucination?

  11. TTPT, yeah, but it mostly looks like a bunch of Republicans.

  12. @Rhea
    just for yew…

    Dick “Two Ton” Baker
    from 1947 on Mercury 5066

  13. Marcia in CO says:

    I discovered the ONE African American lady in that picture … right side, in the 7th row and 4th or 5th person in. Wearing light lavender and trying to look as unobtrusive as possible. For all we know, she might actually want to be there!!
    Since there is no picture of the entire crowd, who knows, there may be others in the crowd!!

  14. SallyinMI says:

    Gee, I guess Mr. Ryan really believes in diversity. As long as everyone in the room with him is white. That is really as pitiful as those clips of him and his son rewashing pans at that shelter AFTER all the homeless had left.

  15. Besides a scene of pasty people, what in hell do all those interns do? Ferpete’ssake!

  16. To be fair one of the men in the picture has a friend who is Muslim.
    Well sorta, he’s actually a neighbor.

  17. AliceBeth says:

    I believe the word is token….one Black woman, one maybe Asian man. Such a great representation of our country.

  18. Lessee, interns. Unpaid, right? Seriously, with just that consideration only white middle class or higher would punt for a chance at that experience.

  19. Okay, guys, let’s be open-minded about this. The second guy back, straight behind Ryan, might — just might — be Hispanic. Maybe? Do you think those poor young people feel odd that they may have been included only to keep the group from being solid pasty white? What’s the percentage that qualifies the group for the term “diverse.” One? Two? Three?
    To e platypus onion: Which particular missus did you have in mind? We have three to choose from.

  20. Pollytiques says:

    I finally found the woman but never did find the man. I did see a girl on the front row that’s auditioning for Ailes and a job at Fox. She will have to bleach her hair first. Speaking of blonds is it just me out of touch or is there an awful lot of blonds in that crowd?

  21. Micr, thanks for the link, but I’m afraid to listen and get the blasted thing stuck in my head for days.

  22. TrulyTexan says:

    In all fairness, at this point a black person working for the republikkkans would be like one joining the klan. I personally think all those women should have bags over their heads in shame. NO ONE that is in a historically minority position should be working with people like the GOP. They have become the largest, most powerful hate group in history.

  23. Teh Gerg says:

    What the devil does Ryan need with that many interns on top of his paid staff as Congressman and Speaker?

  24. BarbinDC says:

    Rethuglican cluelessness. Absolutely priceless.

  25. A whiter shade of pale.

    About as white as it can get, actually.

    I guess the Black woman is Ryan’s African American. Or else she took a wrong turn and was just looking for the rest room.

  26. two crows says:

    Well, I’m sure he considers himself quite the forward looking – um – well, twit isn’t the word HE would use but I will.

    After all, he DID let girls in. And that’s quite a step forward, right?

  27. two crows says:

    But heck. SOMEONE’S got to pour the coffee!

  28. Lunargent says:

    Teh Gerg – Inorite?

    Literally hundreds of people there to assist. And I defy you to name one blasted thing Ryan’s accomplished as Speaker that benefits the country.

    When they have the staff picnic, instead of applying sunscreen, they’ll probably just fill the pool, and all bathe in it.

  29. Linda Phipps says:

    Can we hope that at least one of them is LGBT? You can’t tell by looking, ya know.

  30. Someone had a good question: what do interns do? Actually this is a learning experience for them in political science. The big thing they are supposed to do is observe. Otherwise, its “other duties as assigned” such as running and fetching. As for all of those interns assigned to one office? Nope. Thats just the latest bale of labor for what is sometimes called the Republican Caucus in, of course, the House.

  31. e platypus onion says:

    I did see one redhead.(guy) Are wingnuts reaching out to the Irish?

  32. maryelle says:

    No surprise here. Good to see how well their minority outreach program is going. When asked why so many white supremacist organizations are supporting him, Drumpf said, “I don’t know”.
    Here’s the farm team.

  33. Ed Cooper says:

    Maggie says. Apparently, what all those interns are doing is learning how to grift their way into a lifetime grift position, a la Lyon Paul Ryan.

  34. Mary Beth says:

    As we say in Hawaii, like white on rice.
