Paul Ryan Is A Damn Fool

June 22, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Paul Ryan, damfool congressvarmint, actually said of the Democratic sit-in, “It’s a publicity stunt.”

Of. Course. It. Is. You. Damn. Fool.  What the fool tarnation do you think it is?

What the hell do you think any sit-in is?  It is to gain publicity for your cause.  By turning off the cameras you made it forbidden fruit and gave it power.  You wanna talk about stunts?  Turning off the camera wasn’t a stunt?

What America needs is not less publicity but more, far more, publicity about who the NRA owns.

And while we’re on this subject, what exactly do you call the entire life of Donald Trump, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee?  A thoughtful process of self discovery and ethics actualization?

One other thing while I’m mad and feeling my oats.  I heard with my own two ears that Paul Ryan says that he’s fighting to “defend the constitution because every citizen in this country deserves Second Amendment Rights because of the Heller decision.”

Two things: Is Ryan saying that felons and those adjudicated insane have a right to guns?

Second, Roe V Wade says I have the right to privacy but that doesn’t stop you from infringing on my rights.

Paul Ryan is a damn fool.


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