Paul Chabot Is Still Going To Hell

January 14, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Back a couple of years ago, I told you about a guy named Paul Chabot, who recently moved from California to Texas because he kept losing political races in California.  Then he came up with a bright idea. Get conservative Californians to move to Texas to keep Texas red.  Okay, maybe “bright idea” isn’t exactly the term I’m looking for.

Chabot opened a SuperPAC called Keep Texas Red.

So, instead of bright idea, perhaps I should say money making project. Read all about it here.

Through the miracle of modern journalism, a guy named Ron was searching for information about a name he saw in the local newspaper.  Sure ‘nuf, he ended up at the beauty salon and was kind enough to match the two together and send it to me.

Paul Chabot has a new money-making project going. This one involves your money.


The FreeStyle Foundation in McKinney, a national nonprofit that supports substance-free living, received $625,000 in federal grants from the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy, according to a Jan. 13 news release from Sen. John Cornyn’s office.

In addition, the nonprofit’s local branch, The Coalition for McKinney Drug Free Youth, received $1 million from the Texas Department of Health and Human Services.

Now, if you look at Chabot Strategies and then at The FreeStyle Foundation, you’ll discover that they have homemade websites that are clearly at least first cousins.  Chabot Strategies is located at Keller-Williams Realty (that was back when he was trying to sell houses to Californians) and The FreeStyle Foundation is a post office box storefront less than three miles away.

It’s just one easy slide from using politics to sell houses to using political connections to sell scams with taxpayers dollars.

Chabot said the coalition will be advocating for a local Social Host Ordinance. This ordinance would hold party hosts liable for knowingly providing alcohol to minors on their property.

With this ordinance in place, parents and property owners would be discouraged from allowing minors to consume alcohol on their properties, Chabot said.

There are already laws against giving alcohol to minors so his job shouldn’t be, you know, all that hard.  I dunno ’bout you but I’d rather go with a law than an ordinance.

So thanks to John Cornyn for pissing away $1.6 million of taxpayer money.

Thanks to Ron for the heads up.


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0 Comments to “Paul Chabot Is Still Going To Hell”

  1. Neither Guidestar nor Charity Navigator has much info about the Tx branch of FreeStyle Foundation. The other branches seem to be about sports. The McAllen one lists Dr. Paul Chabot as director. Neither has much financial info.

    The Mcallen branch has a very glitzy website that is devoid of any real info.

  2. Grifters gotta grift.

  3. that site aloe should tell you everything you want to know

  4. So hundreds of thousands of taxpayer scratch to go hang out at the county commissioners court “lobbying” for some meaningless feel good cause. Gives him a couple of years of well-paid training and insider connections, to run for commish next time a spot opens up. This is how a local party builds up a bench at the local level, on Uncle Sam’s dime.

  5. that guy’s picture just screams rightwing grifter.

  6. “one easy slide from using politics to sell houses to using political connections to sell scams with taxpayers dollars.”

    He probably realized with the slow pace of swamp draining in DC, his Plan A, where he’d make a fortune subdividing soggy bottom land, might take longer than expected.
