Pass It On
Our friend Bunny sent me this damn email.
You know that spinning logo that indicates something you clicked on is downloading? Whenever I listen to Ben Carson one appears above him and spins and spins and spins.
I had to send you that thought because it keeps me up at night and now it’s yours to think!
That visual is driving me nuts, Bunny. Now that’s all I can think about.
Pass it on, y’all. Make everybody Carson Nuts.
Do not, under any circumstances, allow republicans into your mind at night. If Carson, Trump, or Marco disrupt your sleep, just fixate on your darling grandson, your sweet dog or a happy place of your choosing. Life is too short to lose sleep over those wastes of time.
1One solution would be to never, ever, listen to Carson again. A sacrifice I know, but you have your sanity to consider.
2There’s a place I like to hide
A doorway that I run through in the night
Relax child, you were there
But only didn’t realize and you were scared
It’s a place where you will learn
To face your fears, retrace the years
And ride the whims of your mind
Commanding in another world
Suddenly you hear and see
This magic new dimension
Remind yourself it is only a dream and you command that dream.
Thanks go out to Queensryche-Silent Lucidity.
3When Carson claims that stories about Mannatech are a “submarine” sent by another Republican campaign, it is impossible to tell if Carson is talking about an underwater boat or a sandwich. With Carson, could go either way.
4I wonder how many snacilbupeR went into 12 step programs after the first debate? And by that I mean snacilbupeR POTUS never-gonna-bes. Oh he77 wonder how many of the rank and file snacilbupeR went into 12 step programs following the first debate?
I love the word snacilbupeR.
snacilbupeR snacilbupeR snacilbupeR snacilbupeR snacilbupeR snacilbupeR snacilbupeR snacilbupeR snacilbupeR snacilbupeR
You hope that spinning never stops because that would mean you’ve just downloaded the Carson virus.
6You all are just too dreary! Now when I see Mental Ben I will also see that spinner over his head and… teehee… I’m gonna giggle. Thanks, Bunny!
7I’m convinced that it’s ‘ludes.’ Being an old-fashioned guy, he most likely goes for the traditional Quaalude. Alternatively, phenobarbital.
8Funny thing is, Ben Carson sees it too.
He just thinks it’s a halo.
9Around here we call that thing The Spinning Wheel of Death!
10Did ya see the latest of Carson’s mindless utterings? Now he’s trying to convince those who will be convinced that the ancient Egyptian tombs were NOT for holding the remains of kings and queens but, instead, was built to hold grain!! GRAIN …
snacilbupeR does sound a lot better then Republicans.
11When I see Mental Ben, hear not so much, (love the mute button) I shake my head and declare, “thanks Iowa.”
They brought us Santorum and Huckabee, too. And, they’re back. The grift that keeps on grifting.
Thanks, Iowa.
12Carson does need a reboot. And I’d be thrilled to be the one to boot him.
13The good news is that we remember how well that Iowa win worked out for Santorum and Huckleberry.