Pansexual? Wayne Christian is Anti-Pansexual. And As Soon As He Finds Out What It Means, He’s Going To Be Even More Against It

June 10, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


His name is Wayne Christian.  That’s why he got elected.  It certainly wasn’t for his smarts.

Earlier in the session, Christian had a bill against pansexual activities.  A smartypants Democrat asked Christian if he knew what pansexual means.  Of course, he didn’t.

Early, early this morning when most good people are in bed, State Representative Wayne Christian decided that what the Texas budget really, really needed wasn’t heath care or teachers or food for babies.  No, siree.  Wayne Christian decided that banning gender centers on college campuses in Texas was the one important thing Texas was lacking.  Under his amendment, gay students couldn’t even meet on campus.

State Rep. Wayne Christian, R-Center, resurrected an amendment to SB 1 that would ban colleges from using state funds or university facilities for gender and sexuality centers.

After insisting that parents, students and citizens “all across this state” have contacted him about banning gender centers on campus, under questioning from a Democrat, Christian admits it was Young Conservatives at A&M and some unknown group at UT.

But, Christian pressed on with his amendment.

Texas Democrats took a deep breath and reminded Christian that there is a First Amendment.  And that all Texans are equal.  And that hate is not a Christian value.

Wayne Christian finally withdrew his amendment.  He gave a long, rambling speech saying that he was just trying “to bring down the walls of prejudice.”  He explained that he was discriminated against in high school because they integrated the school in his senior year and he couldn’t play basketball because “white boys can’t jump.”  The horror of it all!

And this was about 2:30 in the morning and the bars were closed.

Hard to explain, isn’t it?

You can hear his weird speech by clicking here and scrolling down to #3.  It’s eight of the strangest minutes you’ll ever witness.

Thanks to June for the heads-up.

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