What Was THAT?

July 20, 2024 By: Half Empty

There are many who could not watch the RNC Convention this past week as the full on CSPAN production because of fear of IQ point loss.

Like the swallowing of rat poison, viewing an RNC production is best done in small doses.

So I nearly missed the debut of the New Congressman Matt Gaetz (R FL-01)

At first, I thought Ted Cruz gave Matt the name of his brow shaper. Then he turned his head to face the camera head on and we all got this:


What the H-E-Double-Hockey-Sticks are those new folds above Matt’s eyelids?

I have heard that some botox injection treatments have unintended results such as more rapid than anticipated reactions. And now that we have a before/after botox photo of Gaetz, I get it.

But now I have to wonder if this type of reaction is the commonality between Matt Gaetz and the Cat Lady.

The Biden Irony

July 20, 2024 By: El Jefe

The NYTimes is reporting what all of us can just imagine, that Biden is pissed about his long term allies abandoning him after long years of loyal public service.  He’s still isolating at his Delaware beach home, trying to get over yet another case of Covid as his campaign crumbles around his ears.  What’s happening is tragic, and most certainly not fair to Biden, especially after the events of 2016.  2016?  Read on.

I find it pretty rich that the very people who are whining and hissing through gnashed teeth about the calls for Biden to step aside in 2024 are the very ones who gleefully celebrated pushing him aside during the 2016 election because it was Hillary’s “turn”.  It was unfair, unwise, and strategic blunder.  Pushing Hillary in front of Biden is the precise reason that TFG is even around today.  Let’s review: Immediately after the 2012 election, Obama handed Hillary the keys to the DNC.  She immediately fired all of the senior staff, installed her loyalists, including Debbie Wasserman Schultz, unwound all the reforms that Obama had put in place, and began building a huge wall of money to keep out all other viable candidates before the primaries even started.  Those efforts were aimed directly at Biden to push him aside and keep other candidates like Bernie at arm’s length.  How?  I’ll tell you how.

The Joint Fundraising Agreement Hillary forced onto the DNC in 2015 was actually a giant money laundering operation that washed money from donations to state parties through the DNC and then immediately to her campaign coffers.  That kept the DNC and state parties starving for money and all of the control in Brooklyn, not in DC.  DNC staff had to run EVERYTHING by Brooklyn, including hiring, press releases, primary process, EVERYTHING. The result was that a candidate, who had not even been nominated yet, was in total control of the primary process.  Another irony is that all of this was discovered through WikiLeaks’ leaking of DNC emails which marked  the trail that Donna Brazile later followed to get to the bottom of the corruption.  The public scandal was “Hillary’s emails;” the actual scandal was Hillary’s complete control of the DNC and rigged primary process fully ONE YEAR before she won the nomination.

Mad about Biden now?  Blame Hillary.  And those who supported her.  The Queen of Coasting blew it by pushing Biden to the curb, and not taking TFG seriously, and not campaigning in battleground states when she desperately needed to as she started slipping in the polls.  Add her incompetence to meddling by the Russians, Clinton Foundation scandals, and the ridiculous “Hillary’s emails” scandal, and you get the disaster we all witnessed live on national television.  Hillary was clearly qualified to be president, but as I’ve said many times before, a TERRIBLE candidate and incompetent manager.  Oh, and one last thing; Biden didn’t pull out of the 2016 campaign because his son Beau died; that was a diversion.  Biden bowed out because Hillary boxed him out with Obama’s assistance.  Those are the facts.

So, while you’re all pissed off about Biden being treated unfairly in 2024, remember that you probably supported him being treated REALLY unfairly in 2015.  And, in 2015, he was a vibrant well conditioned, fast on his feet 72 year old.  The tragedy is that, but for Hillary’s corruption and mismanagement, added to Obama’s benign neglect of the DNC, Trump would still be playing golf and losing money while putting his name on cheesy buildings in Asia rather than getting ready to waltz back into the White House in 2024.

So, get over yourself and read the objective numbers.  It’s a cold hard truth, but the 2024 election is already lost unless Dem leaders move quickly and decisively.  After all, they’re 4 years behind, and they’ve got three months to have any chance of pulling this out.

Ten (Or So) Things You Have to Believe If You’re a MAGA Republican

July 19, 2024 By: Half Empty

As the debate rages on about whether Democrats should forsake their president for a younger more vital nominee, I pause to reflect on the alternative. The alternative is a flawed old man with megalomaniac tendencies. That’s bad enough. The true alternative is a set of ideas and beliefs, and a cadre of people willing to force them on an entire population.

I have tried to list below the MAGA ideas and beliefs that I have read in published statements or surmised from actions reported in the news. None of these are contrived by a waggish libtard (or as little as possible, anyway).

1. TFG wouldn’t have been shot at if the Director of the Secret Service was a man (DEI argument).

2. Abortion rights should be determined by the state you live in, and state borders should be closed to pregnant women.

3. Joe Biden will never step aside and let Kamala Harris take on TFG in November. This is not an opinion like mine. It’s a belief.

4. We can fund our government by charging a 10% tariff on all imported goods from anywhere.

5. January 6 convicts are political prisoners and hostages that will be freed on Day One of TFG’s 2nd administration.

6. TFG didn’t hit it raw on Stormy. Outside of a photo op, he never even knew her. Michael Cohen paid her $130,000 for reasons only known to Cohen. All the rest is “lawfare”.

7. Covid-19 was a bioweapon unleashed by China, and by the way, the 2020 election was stolen.

8. Migrant alien caravans are being allowed to enter the US because they will become reliably Democratic voters.

9. The American way of life is disappearing.

10. Black people would be as well off as white people if they only tried. And the first corollary to this: black people wouldn’t be arrested as much if they could only stay out of trouble.

Or so. In the next few years, there will be a Civil War in the United States.

All of these are tried and tested “Truths” about the MAGA Movement. As a persistent pessimist, I should believe that at least 50.01% of the voting American populace also holds to these beliefs.

The trouble is, I can’t bring myself to believe that.

Biden Spokespersons Saying He’s Still in, Union Support Starting to Fray

July 19, 2024 By: El Jefe

Through talking heads, Biden is still vowing to stay in even with major party leaders, donors, and now unions starting to back away.  Local 3000 of the United Food and Commercial Workers, with a 50,000 person membership, is now calling for Biden to withdraw.  Even Shawn Fain of the UAW is expressing doubts, and the president of the Association of Flight Attendants is voicing concerns about his candidacy.

According to Nate Silver, Biden’s chance of winning the Electoral College has dropped below 26% and betting platform Polymarket are now handicapping him at a whopping 6% success.

Among likely candidates to replace Biden, Witmer has interestingly begun rising to the top.  Another betting platform, Manifold, is handicapping her at 55% to beat TFG in the general, but there’s obviously a lot of noise in all the numbers, especially since Biden continues to insist he’s still in while the calls for him to step aside are growing louder.  There’s now some talk of a floor fight if he doesn’t yield, but I’m not sure how that can happen since his delegates are obligated to vote for him on the first ballot, unless the final convention rules get amended at the start.

This shit show is most certainly going to turn into a shit festival if this is not resolved, and soon.  Every single poll, every single number, every single risk factor points to a Biden withdrawal, yet he’s hanging in.

Tick, tick, tick.

Friday Toons

July 19, 2024 By: Fenway Fran


Why We’re Where We Are…

July 18, 2024 By: El Jefe

Nate Silver’s latest general election probability.  Biden dropped 2% in 24 hours.