August 15, 2024
By: Half Empty
Besides Captain Ronny Jackson, TFG’s former physician while he was playing at being a president, Congressman Troy Nehls (TX CD-22) has written a couple of books.
Borderless By Design and The Big Fraud. Both Nehls and Jackson are ex-military, both are Texans with their own Texas congressional districts, and both Ronny and Troy even use the same publisher, Post Hill Press which specializes in “conservative political nonfiction works”.
But what sets the two apart is that while Ronny can report no income from his book deal, Troy can report negative income. His publisher has realized more profit from selling his book to Troy than Troy has received from his publisher. That’s what one may conclude from Nehls’s FEC filing.
Look here and scroll about a third of the way down to the line showing disbursement to Post Hill Press: for $5915.02 on February 1st. For “printing”.
For printing?
In one way to look at it, it would appear that Troy Nehls laid out some of his campaign cash to buy some copies of his own book. I assume he hands them out to loyal constituents because that’s what I would do with several hundred copies of my own book.
If it weren’t for the fact that his campaign donors foot the bill for his largesse, that would have made quite a dent in his pin money.
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August 14, 2024
By: Half Empty
As well as you, I didn’t spend one nanosecond listening to the TFG/Musk livestream on Monday.
I’d rather watch grass grow.
I’d rather listen to gravel in my car’s hubcap.
But what we all missed got the attention of every late-night host or writing staff the following day: The Former Guy sounded like
Sylvester on steroids. No, not Stallone, the Looney Toons cartoon character, Sylvester the Cat, who craves the sweet taste of Tweetie Bird.
It is a speech impediment known as a “sloppy lisp.” You can hear it on this audio clip.
Was TFG having a “Polident moment”?
As explained by audio engineers, the lisp was an effect of audio compression for the livestream, as the Orange Buffoon sounded “just fine” from where he was videoed at home. Or, as TFG’s advisor, Steven Cheung helpfully observed: “Must be your sh**ty hearing. Get your ears checked out.”
Maybe so. But maybe Elon ought to look into who was in charge of Twitter’s (now X’s) audio compression programs, and why did he fire them.
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August 13, 2024
By: Half Empty
It seems that TFG’s former White House Physician, Captain Ronny Jackson (Ret.), wrote a book. I had no idea that he could write a book, but then, maybe he can’t.
I mean, anyone could write a book. I could write a book. I just don’t think anyone would buy it. And that’s what I mean about being able to write a book. One of the requirements is that someone else reads the book, and that means that they have bought the book.
People don’t buy Ronny’s book.
How do I know this? This is Captain Ron’s annual FEC income report. It lists all of his sources of income, alphabetically by asset.
Look between NVIDIA and Roth. There is nothing listed there that even approximates “Post Hill Press”. That’s the poor and unfortunate publisher of Ronny’s book Holding the Line. Alas, Ronny has listed no royalties received from his publisher.
Small wonder. When you look online for that title, you get an ad for and a list price of $4.99 (a savings of $23.01 off the list price).
Do you know what you get as well? Every other book entitled “Holding the Line”.![](
I guess in the book-writing world, there is a lot of line holding.
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August 12, 2024
By: Half Empty
I recently read a Washington Post article (subscription) that evokes the familiar refrain: “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.” It seems that there have been unwelcome aliens that have invaded the shores of Italy, in particular, Venice, Italy: Atlantic Blue Crabs.
It is postulated that they skillfully ensconced themselves “in the ballast water of barge ships” and invaded the Italian coastal waters, particularly in hyposaline estuaries, where they thrive (ask anyone from Delaware or Maryland).
It seems that the Mediterranean seawater temperature has risen sufficiently in recent years that since at least 2012, the invading species has found a true haven in the Venetian waters: warmth, lots of delicious freshly dead sea life and detritus to eat, and no natural predators.
At first, Italians were repelled by their appearance and taste. They were used to the local granseola (spider crabs) and moeche (soft shell crabs), but these invaders? Insipido!
But the younger generation of Italian chefs in the area are adapting, viewing the invaders “not as pests, but as ingredients.” And a remarkable thing has happened: the local detritus has confirmed the old adage that “you are what you eat”: crabs have been feeding locally for a few years now, so what was previously a bland-tasting meat has transformed into something much more pleasing to the local palate:
Delizioso Piatto di Granchio Blu!
Lesson? When presented with unpalatable invaders with foreign tastes, let them marinate in the area for a while. They may end up adding their distinctiveness to your own culture.
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August 11, 2024
By: Half Empty
Poor Joe Rogan. Joe, you know, is a right-wing podcaster with a huge ultra conservative following. TFG liked Joe up to the minute that he said some very positive things about independent presidential candidate RFK, Jr. It was kind of like he was endorsing him, but I don’t know, you tell me:
“They gaslight you, they manipulate you, they promote narratives, and the only one who is not doing that is Robert F. Kennedy Jr. [Kennedy is] the only one that makes sense to me.”
The Orange Buffoon took great umbrage at this, and I can understand why – it certainly seems like an endorsement to me, and I thought TFG had Rogan in the bag. He must have thought so, too.
But maybe we should take a step back and recall that it was TFG surrogates who were pushing the Kennedy alternative. But that was to draw voters away from Joe Biden. Who better to vote for president if you won’t vote for Von Shitzenpantz and can’t vote for an aging but benevolent patrician? Vote for the guy with a dead worm in his brain because gaslighting isn’t in his playbook.
Makes sense to me.
Except the whole thing falls apart now after Democrats pulled the old switcheroo on the Teflon Don and nominated a completely new set of people to run against him.
TFG was not amused and, in a “truth” posted on his social network, decided that Rogan’s sentence should be to be “loudly…booed the next time he enters the UFC ring.”
I imagine Rogan is shaking in his boots.
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August 10, 2024
By: Half Empty
Last time the MAGA Republicans tried to win an election in court, it was because all of their prior attempts to turn the votes in their favor – from precincts to counties to state election boards to Electors – in order to disparage the election results, all failed miserably.
They truly were “The Gang Who Couldn’t Shoot Straight.”
This time, we are all watching as the MAGA campaign, through The Former Guy, its Constitutional Scholar, floats litigation angle after litigation angle.
The Felonious Grifter has told his followers that he doesn’t need votes. No, really. He said that:
“We got more votes than anybody’s ever had. We need to watch the vote. We need to guard the vote. We need to stop the steal. We don’t need votes. We have to stop — focus, don’t worry about votes. We’ve got all the votes. I was in Florida yesterday — every house has a Trump sign. Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump. We have to guard the vote.”
Get it? The man says he doesn’t need any more votes, he’s got plenty and more to spare. It’s just that the gosh darn Democrat Party can’t hold an election without cheating. So watch out for Round Two of multiple challenges in the courts to make last times’ 61 court challenges look like child’s play.
Or maybe not.
Maybe instead, TFG will go after the whole enchilada and get Vice President Harris’s candidacy nullified in court. Yeaaaah, that’s the ticket.
Said the Orange One:
“The fact that you can get no votes, lose in the primary system – in other words you had 14 or 15 people, she was the first one out – and then you can then be picked to run for president. It seems to me actually unconstitutional. Perhaps it’s not.“
Translation: Harris performed a coup, and Biden was “unconstitutionally replaced” on the ballot. The Democrats lost because their candidate(s) were illegal. This one, I think, was borrowed from Venezuela’s dictator Nicolás Maduro, who banned his opposition from running.
Or maybe not.
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