Padding Your Resume the Ivanka Way

April 25, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The new State Department spokeswoman is Heather Nauert of Fox and Friends fame.

If I didn’t think he’s probably Dick Cheney with better hair, I’d feel real bad for Rex Tillerson.  It’s obvious that they are not letting him run the State Department and now they named his spokeswoman based on her amazing foreign policy experience ….

During the controversy over Nordstrom dropping Ivanka Trump’s clothing line, Nauert tweeted out her support for the brand in spite of “liberal pressure,” and included a photograph of herself wearing the brand’s items.

Well, I guess I’m being harsh. Ivanka’s clothing line is made in some foreign place, so that counts.

Thanks to Rudie for the heads up.

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