Pack Your Bags
Some Texas friends and I were making plans late, late on election night about the best way to survive four loooooong years of Dan Patrick. The man is just a shiver looking for a spine to run up.
We took to the Facebook thing where one friend suggested that we all move to Canada. That seemed a little extreme to me. Someone else suggested Oregon, where they have Democrats, marijuana, and places to go fishing. That’s kinda hard to beat so we began studying up on Lewis and Clark.
It appears that we were not alone. Someone else had our idea. It’s a fun read.
Besides, it beats the hell out of buying a franchise to the Jodi Ernst Cracker Cackle Classes or the Louie Gohmert Brain Surgery Made Fun Institute.
Thanks to Mary for the heads up.
just find a place inland; the water’s going to rise.
1I’ll be watching and writing bumper stickers from the high ground of my newly renamed ranch, Gloating Hill.
2I thought about it I’m a citrus fruit, I can’t function in the cold. This severely limits my options for place to run away to.
DO NOT show up on this thread to tell me it’s not cold in OR. It 60 on my patio in Richmond and I’m wearing fleece lined boots and a hoodie to take the dogs outside.
3The only bad thing about Oregon is you are not allowed to pump your gas, so it’s pricier. Texas women pump their own.
4We at least got rid of the Republican Governor (and replaced him with a Republican Lite). I’m pretty sure that this will end up being remembered as the election where the billionaires won.
5I’m sure the Kochs are very happy today as they figure out their next puzzle for taking over the world. i’m staying here.
6You notice Washington State is an option as well, with legal pot and a new background check loophole closing initiative. And two awesome Democratic women for our Senators, whose example is not mirrored by two R Congresswomen, sadly. we have no income tax, while Oregon has no sales tax. Between climate change refugees and crazy politics, the PNW is bracing itself.
7Guess I’m even more grateful to be married to a Canadian–we still have an escape option…
8“Join a church”? START a church. L. Ron Hubbard correctly concluded that that was the way to make money hand over first.
As for me, I’ll dust off my “Don’t Mourn, Organize” button which I’ve needed too many times. Canada has an anti-environmental PM, but New Zealand is looking better. Great scenery, and last I heard the PM was an atheist woman.
9Well, I already did the obvious thing and moved to California. I got here the day after election day.
OK, so I was planning to move anyway on account of love and I was hoping that I was leaving a better Texas behind me (being a fifth-generation Texan and all), but reading the election returns made me very grateful for the move.
10FYI, our pot law in Oregon passed, but we’ve got a few months before the mass bong-passing can happen.
Also, though we pay people (mostly poorly) to pump gas, I don’t think our prices ARE higher – I’ve paid more in both Washington and California.
And third, Ms JJ, should you ever wish to move to Oregon, or Washington for that matter, or even just come for an extended visit, you MUST have a massive gathering for all of us JJ fans. We will treat you right, I can assure you.
But fourth, and maybe most important, all of you Blue Texans need to stay and fight the good fight in Texas. We need you, sticking your necks out, getting a bit mouthy even, to keep your fine state as fine as possible.
Thanks for being a real trooper, JJ, and for doing it with style!
11I have a lot of relatives in Canada…..but I don’t know how to quit fighting.
12Well, our son keeps after us to move to “The Peoples’ Republic of Evanston (IL.) so he can be available to help “look after us” but I don’t think we are going anywhere soon although it is tempting after just walking around Evanston and reading the political messages. The contrast in party affiliation and candidate support does have quite and impact on me and I do own snow boots and long underwear.
13The senior Senator from Oregon Ron Wyden was a high school classmate of mine. Oregonians will welcome all Texas refugees with open arms. No sales tax don’t you know. Come to think of it, after this election farce, why am I still here in the Lone Star State? Frank, don’t answer yourself.
14If you’re seriously looking, Corvallis is very very nice.
15Liberal college town on the interface between forest and agriculture; flat enough to bicycle; close to Portland for urban amenities; lots of local salmon; reasonable cost of housing compared to Austin or California.
My husband loves TX wanted to retire there but I don’t believe I can cope with the chiggers which love me and flock to me. Add snakes & fire ants and my heart quails.
We pretty much ruled out Washington because of the rheumatiz, it is damp. Intensely dislike the redneck (want to secede and become the State of Jefferson) area in N California where we own property, so that is pretty much out too.
We can do Canada, and honestly we may just do that. Eh. If it is President Cruz you can count on it.
16Of course coming from a Canadian family I just had to get into this act, doncha know! If I had to take up residence again in Canada I would recommend a couple of places. For one, the province of Ontario. Its got the national capitol in Ottawa and its close enough to La Belle Quebec to nip over for some French cuisine. Its also got their own side of Niagara Falls. There are also four points of access (bridges) to the US should they ever want to visit say Vermont. Then there is British Columbia where some of the most majestic trees in the world are actually oversized ferns and there is a waterway called the Two Thompson River. It is also just an air or boat trip nip away from Vancouver Island where the best formal tea in the world is served at the most outrageously Victorian style hotel. And just for fun you can nip over to Bellingham in Washington State and see where the female border guard brought down what would have been the Millenium Bomber. But then, hey, thats just me.
17For @Marge Wood:
18“Pinky: Gee, Brain. What are we going to do tonight?
The Brain: The same thing we do every night, Pinky. Try to take over the world.”
For @Micr:
19I really miss those insane geniuses…Pinky and Brain…I wish the insane ones who want control, control, fear, fear, $£€$ were half as smart as P/B…
And if Alan Sorkin of “West Wing” would just write the campaign speeches, we could ditch all the repugs…if we are talking about moving, I want to move to that fantasy!
As if I’d consider moving away from Texas on account of a piece of filth like Dan Patrick. Even in jest, that just rubs me the wrong way.
20I’m with Fran. I’ve never felt more at home than when I’m in the PNW.
And if you’re worried about the rising sea level, there’s a whole lot of height in Oregon and Washington.
21@Elise Von Holten
22Alan Sorkin, A Few Good Men
“Col. Jessep: You want answers?
Kaffee: I think I’m entitled to.
Col. Jessep: You want answers?
Kaffee: I want the truth!
Col. Jessep: You can’t handle the truth!”
And the writing goes on and on!
Come On Y’all. I wouldn’t leave Texas. I can stay here and see how miserable I can make life for our newly elected officials.
Here’s the thing. We Democrats now have the opportunity to do exactly what Republicans have done for the past eight years. We now have the opportunity to CRITICIZE. EVERY. LITTLE. THING. THEY. DO. OR. DON’T. DO.
I do not plan to pass up the opportunity. Wouldn’t miss it for the world. Remember….. write those letters to your local paper. And leave comments on all your favorite “non-blogs”… or blogs.
Thank you.
23Spent a year interning in NW Washington. My god it’s gorgeous! I’ve been thinking about moving to Bellingham. All the stuff about Victoria, plus BCB next door. If the US gets too f**ked up, I’ll move to Vancouver. Such a beautiful city.
24I lived in Cabo San Lucas for 4 years. I”m ready to go back.