Overheard At The Salon

September 23, 2024 By: Half Empty Category: Uncategorized

“Well, now that’s strange, I thought they couldn’t do that.”

That’s the jist of the conversation overheard by customers at The Salon this weekend between Juanita Jean and her friend and confidant, Alfredo at the Dairy Queen.

Apparently, a whole bunch of county committees of the Republican Party of Texas all received the same amount of cash from Ted Cruz’s Truth and Courage PAC.

They can’t do that, it’s illegal. Alfredo isn’t wrong. According to a law firm that specializes in political law, county committees cannot coordinate with Super PACs and vice versa.

Extracted from their website:

“A Super PAC’s activities must also not be coordinated with a candidate, a candidate’s authorized committee, a political party committee, or their respective agents.”

Emphasis is mine.

And yet, according to the Federal Election Commission query results below, that is exactly what is happening in Texas.

The whole report is here.

See that? Twenty-one Republican county committees each received a $50 disbursement from Ted’s Truth and Courage PAC. You know, the one that he keeps full of money from his podcast gig with iHeartMedia.

In each case, the disbursement was for “STORAGE.”

OK, what do you store in 21 counties for fifty bucks a pop? On the same day in August? Never mind. It’s illegal for the conversation to happen. Let alone the disbursement.

Ted Cruz’s blithe disregard for the rules that govern our politics seemingly know no bounds. But yet, I once heard him say, “We need a president who is willing to uphold the law.” 

Yeah, Cruz. Yeah. You first.

0 Comments to “Overheard At The Salon”

  1. GOPerverts don’t tell the truth – against their “religion” .

  2. Opinionated Hussy says:

    Jim…unless they’re posting anonymously in porn site comment sections.

  3. So the FEC should really snarf this one. Just one question. When was the last time they ever lowered the boom on someone?

  4. Sundays Doonsbeery was fun. Worth looking up.

  5. Steve from Beaverton says:

    About fled cruz:

    In other news, djt media stock is down to about 12 1/2 bucks today. The dark sewer is calling donald. Right where you belong. As of last week he is now allowed to sell his almost worthless stake his company.

  6. thatotherjean says:

    Reports here in MD have Ted Cruz running behind in Texas. Could that be true? I hope so! That guy is a blight on the landscape, wherever he is.

  7. The Surly Professor says:

    The linked FEC reporting document clearly has gobs of money paid out for “Compliance Consulting”, “Legal Consulting”, and “Finance Consulting”, generally 75 big ones at a time. So two possibilities: one, all that expensive consulting is just a transfer of money to Cruz’s family and cronies (I almost wrote “friends”, then remembered that this is Rafael being discussed).

    Another possibility is that by having a flagrant violation of the campaign financing laws, Cruz can claw back those hundreds of thousands by claiming their work was deficient in not flagging the illegal payments.

    BTW, plug in some of the addresses of those consulting “firms” into Google Maps. It’s almost always a PO box site, or some middle-class house in a nice neighborhood. E.g., take the first one “9412 LIGHTWOOD COVE AUSTIN, Texas 78748”. Or down near the bottom, $104k went to a snazzier household at “2113 CREEKSIDE CIRCLE S IRVING, Texas 75063”. That one, Marigold Strategies LLC, probably needs the extra bucks. All of their neighbors have swimming pools, and all they have is a dinky kiddy pool in their yard.

    This is why I admire and respect Alfredo, digging up these filings. On the other hand, it means I’ll spend hours chasing down and getting exasperated at how picayune the corruption is.

  8. The Surly Professor says:

    Another thought about the payouts for “storage”. We all know that T**** not only lifted classified papers, but he also made photocopies. We know that because the cover sheets shown in the FBI photos had color borders that did not extend to the edges of the sheets of paper. The real McCoys always do, which is one reason for their design – it allows spotting when copies were made (which violates many national security laws and regulations).

    So maybe Rafael is pitching in to help T**** by spreading them around in county party offices. Maybe they are nest eggs for retirement, so they can be flogged later to Russian, Korea, Saudia Arabia, whenever the Republicans lose their death grip on the nation’s political throat.

  9. All real estate is local. Local markets have distinct characteristics, and therefore higher or lower values. Except storage rates in Republican offices across the entire state of Texas.

  10. thatotherjean @6, Colin Allred’s teevee ads outnumber those of Fled Cruz. And are always upbeat and informative, and usually with a tasteful, but sharp jab at Cruz.

    Cancun Cruz’s teevee ads are always scary and vicious, usually playing to the themes of innocent young girls targeted by perverts, or hordes of criminals pouring over the border. Always disgusting to watch.
