Outta Town Louie

August 24, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Last night I got a text message from Glen Maxey, who was in an airport in Atlanta.  He told me that he was fixing to get on the same flight as Louie Gohmert.

louie at airportI warned him that until they can scientifically prove that goofy is not contagious, he should take another flight.  I also told him that I’d pay one dollar cash American money for a picture of Louie Gohmert.   Since the quality of the picture  is bad and Louie is not picking his nose, he’s only getting fifty cents.

By the way, we did raise enough money to send Louie some love in the form of people to vote against him by mail.  Glen says we’ve raised about $4,200 which covers about 12,500 people.  We only need $500 more to reach our goal.

Meanwhile, Louie is touring Texas State Technical College in Marshall, Texas, to see the truck driving school.  Still it’s college and Louie will need some of the big words explained to him.

We here at The World’s Most Dangerous Beauty Salon, Inc., just want you to know that we’re keeping an eye on Louie.  Now if we could just keep a foot on him, we’d be happy.

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0 Comments to “Outta Town Louie”

  1. Marge Wood says:

    Thanks, Glen, for the picture of Louie not yelling. You think there’s a rule against yelling in airports?

  2. I almost couldn’t recognize him without his mouth at full gallop and his tonsils showing!

  3. W. C. Peterson says:

    Looks like he’s doing a good job holding up that wall. Can’t they stand up straight in the House of Representatives?

  4. Lorraine in Spring says:

    See, now I would have changed my fight because of his bad karma. I don’t want to be anywhere near Loonie Louie when it’s payback time.

    Especially on an airplane.

  5. Marge Wood says:

    Try to separate your opinions from Louie and the TSTC which teaches a lot of good skills around the state. Just saying.

  6. My money’s on Glen. Loopy Louie doesn’t stand a chance.

  7. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Marge Wood, thanks for the heads up that TSTC does not deserve to be tainted just because Loopy Louie darkened their doorstep.

    3-2-1 with all the attention Governor Corn Dog has been consuming, expecting a spectacular Louie blowout any second.

    Smart move from you, a smart gentleman, Glen. It wouldn’t have been pretty had the Loopster imploded in such confined quarters. Consider this, a picture of Loopy Louie with his mouth actually shut could raise major cash toward turning Texas BLUE! E-Bay and rare artifacts or just us aficionados of dart board covers.

    The old cover was not a challenge with the Loopster tonsil wide open. With his mouth nearly shut, it can be Second Edition, a challenge from Loopy Louie.

    “Now if we could just keep a foot on him, we’d be happy.” JJ, more proof that men are from Mars, ….. We guys are considerably more neanderthal than you ladies. With restraint, we try not to advocate for giving him a punch in his little gohmerts or a NASA level boost from our boots.

  8. Marcia in CO says:

    The picture is not so good only because of the reflection of the overhead light off of Louie’s polished dome!!

  9. Marge and PKM: I didn’t see JJ’s comment on TSTC as deriding the school. I saw it as Louie being way out of his league in an institution of higher education. Truck driving may not be considered rocket science, but having once driven a 28′ UHaul from Alabama to Nebraska with a disabled husband and 3 cats in the cab and a Ford Taurus on a trailer behind, I have great respect for their skills!

  10. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Jan, Marge Wood was trying to help all of us who are not Texans to keep things in perspective. The innocents at TSTC deserve better than national attention because the Loopster darkened their doors.

    But, on a second look at the picture of Loopy Louie, he is either low on a Quaalude or too drunk to stand. His firm grasp on the handrail and shoulder into the wall for support is indicative that the Loopster was loopier than his usual loopy. My guess? Closed mouth zonked on airline lounge libations.

  11. “He’s a menace to himself and everything else in the air… yes, birds too.” from the movie ‘Airplane!’ (but it could just as well have been written for Louie)

  12. Marge Wood says:

    Yeah, no derogatory remarks interpreted. Thanks, PKM. And I lean on walls too when I’m tired. I mean, Louie IS human, even if we don’t agree with him and even if we get an undue amount of entertainment from his usual rants. Bless his heart. Just keep him away from Austin.

  13. Where’s a domestic terrorist entry on a no-fly list when you REALLY need it.

  14. That unknown guy with his hand on Louie-louie’s shoulder . . . is he trying to prevent the Gohmert from falling on his face? And Louie-louie is not really in dress code. Is there a bar in that airport? What gives here!

  15. Ralph Wiggam says:

    I have two degrees from TSTC. I learned how to calculate the period of a nuclear reactor and the gain of a multistage amplifier. But Louie wants to concentrate on truck driving. He doesn’t want to get in over his head.

  16. Kris Williams says:

    That dude with him must be explaining about the new cases of Ebola on the border and the capture of a member of the Muslim Brotherhood in McAllen. Louie wouldn’t find much else so interesting!

  17. SteveTheReturned says:

    Exceptional quality Mom Jeans, Louie…….

  18. Steve, what the heck are mom jeans?

  19. SteveTheReturned says:

    Maggie, I believe the term originated with the overly-prepped, first day of grade school jeans that Mitt Romney wore to a function or two, in a failed effort to look like an at-ease Man Of The People. Subsequently, Obama was ridiculed with the same terminology. Upon reflection, I may have been in error about Mad Louie’s jeans—I think you have to be bright enough and self-aware enough before the term really applies. And Louie’s are a little baggy at the knees—for what reason I know not why…..
