Outrage Machine Goes to Full Volume, Abbott Joins In

April 26, 2021 By: El Jefe Category: Alternative Facts, Lie, Uncategorized

Over the weekend, the outrage machine cranked the volume up to 11 over Biden’s new climate change requirement to cut red meat consumption by 90%. Upon hearing the news, right wing social media, fed by Fox Noise, went to DEFCON 4 and began launch sequence.  All the usual characters threw wall-eyed fits including Greg Abbott:

Marjorie Taylor Greene and Lauren Boebert both followed suit with Greene even calling Biden the “Hamburgler”.  The only problem?  The story is complete bullshit, fabricated by the London rag The Daily Mail, which then metastasized into a trending story on social media.  Snopes did a full report on the claim and rated it False. I wish these clowns would spend the time spent on fake outrage on more important things like education, Medicaid expansion, and avoiding power blackouts, but that’s way too much too expect.


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0 Comments to “Outrage Machine Goes to Full Volume, Abbott Joins In”

  1. I just don’t know how to make this you tube link activate on touch, but it shows my true feelings about idiot Abbott.


  2. I read that they are growing meat in labs. Molecularly the same as real meat. At first I thought “eww…” and then realized that it would mean an animal didn’t need to be slaughtered AND it would be more green. Win-win.

  3. WA Skeptic says:

    Has anyone else checked out the price of beef lately? OMG–that’s enough to keep my red meat intake well below the requested amount.

  4. RepubAnon says:

    Let me guess – the Daily Mirror is a Rupert Murdock publication?

  5. To quote the esteemed Dr. Peter Venkman:
    Well that’s what I HEARD!

  6. john in denver says:

    Ooohhh … Colorado was once again a trend-setter.

    ‘The controversy began at the end of February when Polis issued the formal government proclamation for March 20, noting that plant-based diets better protect the environment and that more people are cutting meat consumption as a way to lessen animal cruelty.

    “Colorado ranchers and other agricultural organizations responded by declaring the rival meat-centric day in opposition, with 26 counties signing on.

    “Truly it was about supporting our ranching community,” El Paso County Commissioner Carrie Geitner said of her county’s participation.”

    Another move: “Nebraska Gov. Pete Ricketts even declared March 20 to be Meat on the Menu Day in that state, in response to Polis’ decision, calling it a “direct attack on our way of life.”

  7. Lunargent says:

    It disturbs me that the meat producers here in Colorado feel that their industry is in such a precarious state that reducing yearly consumption by 0.27% (1/365th) will plunge them into ruin.

    Personally, I’d buy more hamburger if I didn’t have to wait for it to go on sale. Until last year, it was never $5/lb for the 80% lean. And DH and I have too much dental work to even contemplate buying steak that we can afford.
