Our Lucky Day

February 26, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I just want to give you a heads up that Paul Manafort is gonna be on teevee again, just so you can boo and hiss.


My Bubba says this could be many things.  It could simply be arraigning  him on the new charges, setting discovery deadlines so lawyers can throw paper at each other, setting motions hearings … you know, normal yackety yak lawyer stuff.

There is also the possibility that the new charges are of such severity that the judge will impose bail increases or throw his prissy butt in jail.

Warning you when to get popcorn is just another of the free, friendly services at Juanita’s.

Thanks to Deb T for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Our Lucky Day”

  1. Never thought I’d say this but I live for popcorn.

  2. As a consultant, I worked a short, painful engagement in a deep East Texas jail where the jailers and the inmates shared both the same low IQ and the same mitochondrial DNA. On Day One I heard one jailer (named Joe Billy) tell another jailer (also named Joe Billy) to get a particular prisoner (also prolly named Joe Billy) over to some judge to get him “arranged”. Only later did I come to understand that the judicial process which they called “arrangement” referred to the judicial process the rest of the know universe refers to as “arraignment”.

    It pleases me greatly for some reason to think that somewhere in DeeCee today Prissy Paul is getting “arranged”. 🙂

  3. JJ notes, “…so lawyers can throw paper at each other, setting motions hearings … you know, normal yackety yak lawyer stuff.”

    I hope no one gets their eye poked out with a paperclip, that would ruin all the fun.

  4. Can’t believe Trump is stupid enough to still be haranguing the Mexican President on this ridiculous demand.

    Fox is a natural comic. Love the guy.

    Here is something you can use in your title, Juanitajean:

    How about a nice, upside-down exclamation point? Free of charge.


  5. Manafort is almost as narcissistic a bastard as President Shithole. I’d love to see him out of his expensive Italian suits and into poorly sewn, baggy orange coveralls.

  6. Popcorn is fine for “arrangement” day (I LOVE it!), but they day they put his smarmy, treasonous butt in jail, I say it’s time for the whiskey!

  7. I may well be wrong, but I suspect there may be some discussion of bail arrangements… in which the FBI has noted some, um, discrepancies. Particularly, the pledging of items and/or properties over which Mr. Manafort does not have exclusive rights.

    Courts tend to take a dim view of being lied to.

    Popcorn is likely to be an appropriate accompaniment to the hearing.
