Our Friends in Fayette County

March 07, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Some time back I told you about my friends in Fayette County.  That’s a small rural community between here and Austin.  Two of my favorite people, Vickie and Cecil, live there.  Fayette County, strongly Republican, has damn interesting politics.

Last year, one of their Republican Justice of Peaces got arrested for a multi-state lottery theft.  They ain’t much trying to improve since then.

Last night, Cecil sent me a front page story in the local newspaper.  Since the newspaper is subscription based, Cecil sent me a picture of it.

You can click  here to enlarge it.


and keep reading by clicking here.

So, a lawyer was out stealing his opponent’s yard signs while he’s running for the office that would prosecute people for stealing yard signs.  But, you know, he told the truth about doing it, dammit, and offered to apologize.  That don’t work in the law books and you’d think a lawyer would know that. That’s what you’d think. And you’d think wrong.

So this morning, I asked Cecil how the election turned out.


The sign stealer came in third out of three.  If you look how bad the numbers are, he came in fourth out of three.

Vickie thinks he should have stolen more signs. Vickie is usually right about these things.


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