
February 26, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

When Republican Lt. Governor Wannabe Dan Patrick has a Freudian slip, he falls all the way down the stairs.

Screen Shot 2014-02-26 at 3.20.47 PM

This sort of makes typos an Olympic event.

Thanks to TexasTrailerParkTrash for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Oops.”

  1. Who gets to tell the missus-cuz I’d kinda like to be there.

  2. Mike in MO says:

    Honey Pie, I want video of that, but I don’t want to be there. Solid objects might start flying in all directions.

  3. I don’t want to get near his feed, but I’d be thrilled if about a gazillion people “favorite” it as written!

  4. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    There was an avalanche on Gohmert Mountain! Dan Patrick slips down the up escalator and comes out at the bottom.

  5. I guess his definition of an activist judge is one who follows the law as written. Then what do the non-activist judges do? Make it up as they go along?

  6. I wonder if his Freudian slip has some tasteful lace around the edges…

  7. Gee, did you buy his Freudian slip in a store on Puritan Avenue?

  8. Corinne Sabo says:

    He finally got something right!

  9. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    I am so sorry, Texas. It really has to gohmert, when your elected officials are unqualified to participate in the Special Olympics and too gohmert to cheer those who do qualify.

    Social Issues 10 – Texas Republicans 0

  10. I was just reading about some one by the name of Rogers, running in Texas as a democrat, the article says she is really a republican, I wonder if you all know about her.

    I would say one dead giveaway is when she calls the president ‘Hitler’

  11. Follow-up Tweet from Patrick an hour after the original Tweet:

    “oops! #twittertypo. We have a new job opening on our campaign: social media intern. Send resume to contact (at) http://danpatrick.org

  12. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Joan, Keesha Rogers is a Lyndon Hermyle LaRouche, Jr. cultie. Lyndon too claimed to be a Democrat several times. He was too early for the Tea Party, and she is too late. The Tea Bagging clown car of gohmert crazy left the gate without her. Yes, she’s that crazy. Even the Tea Bags reject her.

  13. Marge Wood says:

    Yes, but Keesha’s poll numbers a couple days ago were the highest. Sigh. Any time you’re on the phone or face to face in Texas, tell folks about Keesha. Once I was at the Capitol for a protest and met a young woman. She said she was a Larouche Democrat. I said “I’m sorry.”

  14. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Marge Wood, beyond the standard oxymoron, there’s the gohmert oxymoron: Larouche Democrat.

    Keesha is very open about her Il Duce Larouche ties. Time to educate TX as to what that really means. Simple is good, in a word, CRAZY.

  15. Too bad he doesnt have the good sense to defect. He would be right at home in Irak or Afghanistan.

  16. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Holy Gomerts! Where is man on dog Santorum with his gohmert interjections.

    Fer real folks, guts ta wonder about the Xtian right and their fantasies. And, no, I do not want a squawk fest from the Palin, Cruz no consequence Tea Bag Gohmert so in need of the ACA mental health provisions.

    Goofy Ghomerts could be the winners with ACA, if they stopped self medicating and allowing the 1-10% to continue their sodomizing, they allegedly denounce.

    OOPS except when some gohmert falls out of the closet or the “Holy” See is a pedophile mecca.

    yYah, morons keep demonizing love. if you 3rd Reich idiots had a clue, you might ask Newtie.

    The real deal, Rickie and rotates. I love my wife, and yes, I am a man. Love between two women or two men does not threaten my marriage. The strength of our marriage is our responsibility

    So, please GOP, get REAL and stick your probes, please.

  17. I used to run into Larouche supporters up in Boston. Once was enough for most of them. I am really, really impolite to that sort of idiot.

  18. e platypus onion says:

    Say it ain’t so-a wingnut,dingbat,rwnj lets slip he might be a closet Homer Sexual? Is the sky falling or am I a dead possum?

  19. Anybody gays out there who’d be willing to run up and give Danny a big smooch?

  20. JAKvirginia says:

    UmptyDump: Not even on a bet!

  21. JAKVirginia: One of TV’s finest moments!


  22. Sam in Kyle says:

    Waiting for my invitation to the Berry-Patrick nuptials. Has a nice ring to it.
