One Of Those Days

April 29, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Sorry to disappear on you guys.  I just spent 2 hours and 8 minutes on the phone with AT&T.  The nicest woman helped me but their computer system sucks.  We finally got things figured out.

And then I spent and hour and 18 minutes (don’t you love how your phone keeps count?) with the CAD in my county.  For some reason they gave me the over 65 on my house but not the homestead.  They are claiming I never filed for my homestead. I did. Think of it this way: if I didn’t file for my homestead, why did I get the over 65 exemption?  They couldn’t figure that out either.

I haven’t checked the news and haven’t even read all my email, but I thought you’d enjoy this heads up from Deb T.

The White House is selling a Covid-19 Historic Moments in History Medal.

Would I lie?



Now, aren’t you feeling all better now?


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0 Comments to “One Of Those Days”

  1. They can do this in no time flat and it is entirely unnecessary but all the necessary stuff for anywhere in the USA to help fight COVID-19 goes tothe back of the line? Are these people ever capable of seeing themselves as murerous@

  2. panthercityhorn says:

    The news is funny, but the link and what is at the bottom of the White House gift shop list of other medals had me spitting coffee out my nose. There has never been nor will there ever be a more egotistical, narcissistic, and insane president in the history of our country-THANK GOD!!.

  3. The one on the right needs a little clarification regarding which side of the war each of those people fought on.

  4. @Maggie- Here! Here! Or is it Hear! Hear! Nowadays with misinformation? Lol

  5. Google corrects me: Hear!Hear! Maggie

  6. Every day I am reminded how happy I am to not being a serving officer in the military. I would have to show respect for him and his lickspittles.

    Now he wants to force backpackers to die for the economy.

  7. thatotherjean says:

    Joe.My.God has a post on this, with a correction: the White House Gift Shop is not directly associated with the White House itself, or with the administration–so this garbage may not have originated with Trump, despite the fact that it appears to be something he’d think up. You wouldn’t think that he’d be willing to associate himself so closely with the utterly–and continuingly–botched response to the pandemic; but he thinks he’s doing a great job, so maybe. If it isn’t his idea, I hope he sues the White House Gift Shop. It’s gross.

  8. A medal honoring disease, misery and death that Trump personally helped to spread???

    ‘Sen Sherrod Brown’

    Well he’s finally right, we’ve become tired, dead tired of it.

    ‘Donald Trump tells supporters they are going to win so much, they will become tired of it.’

  9. slipstream says:

    It shows an empty podium.

    We can only wish.

  10. megasoid says:

    ‘Pathetic’: Trump Says No to Additional Covid-19 Stimulus Checks, Backs Cutting Tax That Funds Social Security Instead
    “Cutting payroll taxes does nothing to help seniors or the millions of people who just lost their jobs. It does, however, defund Social Security and Medicare—which is why Trump is obsessed with the idea.”

    More Extortion… cause it hurts.

    Aaron Rupar


    Replying to @atrupar

    Trump says he wants blue states to give him “sanctuary-city adjustments” in exchange for federal financial relief

  11. Suzanne Melton says:

    thatotherjean is correct.

    Talking Points Memo, May, 2018

    FTA: Here’s the story.

    The White House Gift Shop is wholly owned by Giannini Strategic Enterprises, LLC located in an office on 301 Front St in Lititz, PA and incorporated in Pennsylvania.

    That’s where the store is located too. GSE is owned by Anthony Giannini, who is also the CEO and Executive Director of ‘The White House Gift Shop.’
    Now how exactly did Giannini hook up with the UDBF? No idea.

    His Linkedin page says that from 2010 to 2013 he was the Executive Director of something called the United States Secret Service Fund.

    But the only two references to that entity I can find googling the phrase are on his Linkedin page and my own post on this from this morning.

    In any case, once Giannini was gifted the Gift Shop he went to the US Patent and Trademark Office to trademark the name White House Gift Shop.

    From what I can tell his initial application was rejected on the pretty straightforward argument that it gave the false impression that it was part of the White House.
    The Trademark office bought this argument and issued the trademark.

    It seems to be the only trademark in existence specifically referencing a relationship to the White House.

  12. megasoid says:


    When I die and they lay me to rest, I want to go to the place thats the best – Norman Greenbaum

    GOP: Thanks for your slavish mindset to the nation’s Savior. We will miss you at the polls. Gotta go check our bailout portfolios now.
    Evangelical fundamentalists who openly defied social distancing guidelines are dying of coronavirus

    Edit: non-fundamentalist churches in the United States, from Catholic to Lutheran and Episcopalian, have embraced social distancing during the coronavirus pandemic and temporarily moved their activities online. But many Christian fundamentalists and evangelicals have been irresponsibly downplaying the dangers of COVID-19 and doing so with deadly results: journalist Alex Woodward, in the U.K.-based Independent, reports that the pandemic has claimed the lives of more than 30 pastors in the Bible Belt.

    “Dozens of pastors across the Bible Belt have succumbed to coronavirus after churches and televangelists played down the pandemic and actively encouraged churchgoers to flout self-distancing guidelines,” Woodward reports. “As many as 30 church leaders from the nation’s largest African-American Pentecostal denomination have now been confirmed to have died in the outbreak, as members defied public health warnings to avoid large gatherings to prevent transmitting the virus.”

    “The virus has had a wildly disproportionate impact among black congregations, many of which have relied on group worship,” Woodward explains. “Yet despite the climbing death toll, many US church leaders throughout the Bible Belt have not only continued to hold services, but have urged worshippers to continue paying tithes — including recent stimulus checks — to support their mission.”

    One of the fundamentalists who defied social distancing, according to Woodward, was Bishop Gerald Glenn, founder of the New Deliverance Evangelistic Church in Chesterfield, Virginia. While other pastors were moving their sermons online, Glenn preached at a March 15 service that was attended by almost 200 people — and on April 14, CNN reported that Glenn had died of coronavirus.

  13. Well joe is falling into trap where he might snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.
    Today he stated that he will let the demented ones illegal ( international law on conquered territory) movement of Embassy to an occupied city.
    I fear this is just the first step of a replay of Obama’s cowardice in not prosecuting the previous criminal administration with the bogus “move forward not look back” mantra.
    Ignore the truth that the past dictates the future.
    When asked about any action by this administration the only answer should be that they will review any and all actions before they accept any of them a being binding on new administration.
    Conceding on any issue means that the entire cycle could be taken up by repeated questions on every piece of minutia cruelty and criminality of this admin.
    Get joe to agree to enough and the ads listing his preemptive surrender that concludes that there is no difference between the two.Worked against Hillary.
    Couple that with the facebook’s thuglican campaign apparatus and the targeted wedge messages will go out.
    Pick a thuglican lite, such as klobacher, and he is just surrendering his base to appeal to the demented ones base and that will NOT work.
    It appears that after the present maladministration took 6 giant steps to the right that joe is only willing to take 1 little baby step to the left for fear of alienating the corporate rulers. His taking advice from larry summers is proof of that.
    I will vote for him only because the present admin is soo bad.
    But only hope for recovery and progress will be with people such as AOC, Katie Porter, Elizibeth Warren in spite of a biden admin.
    So next item is that he will not investigate criminal activities of the present admin? or what will he do when the demented one ignores the presidential records act and leaves nothing behind.
    Or when the klepto family takes everything not nailed down home from the White House.
    After all that law stating any gifts belong to the US gov. and not to president, or family, personally is not applicable to the orange gibbon.
    The only way forward is to clean the tables of the manure the last crew scattered hither and yon. Notjust accepting the results of the crime in the name of moving forward.

  14. I left AT&T because if you call customer service it’s almost impossible to get someone who speaks English

  15. BarbinDC says:

    There. Are. No. Words.

    Actually, there are; but, they all are unfit for polite company.

  16. Ha, BarbinDC, I was just thinking that if I said what I really think JJ’s Momma would rise up out of her grave and wash my mouth with soap for a week.

  17. “Everyday Citizens Did Their Part”

    A participation trophy for something no one wanted to participate in? And we have to pay for it? C’mon Don.

  18. Carl de Villar says:

    So, just a bit of trivia to cap it off: “Mnuuchin”?

  19. k
    Calling Obama a coward is pretty f**kd up.
    Repugnantcans are still fighting Obamacare all the way to the Robert’s Supreme Court. And losing. And he only had 2 years to get anything done.
    Do you really believe that the first time an American president tried to prosecute his predecessor woulda worked out? For anybody? Send me some of what your smoking.

  20. So to clarify your position is that if demented donnie were to shoot somebody on fifth ave. he couldn’t be prosecuted because it had never been done before?
    Lets see obama did not use legal system against the crooks in the banking system that bankrupted the country in 2008 because he “wanted to move forward”?
    nor did he investigate all the insider trading and no bid contracts that cheney rewarded to acompany he wa still getting paid by. Several VP’s have ben prosecuted in office (Spiro Agnew. Aaron Burr and another from the Harding(?) admin) so no big jump on that except political cowardice.
    If we never did anything that had not been done before nothing would change.
    Obama in 2008 came in with a large a mandate a any president in modern history, bar FDR, with super majority in House and near that in Senate ( delay on seating Franken and Kennedy’s death limited that) and promptly waved the yellow stripe on holding wr criminals to justice, economic looters got off scot free and he surrendered on universal health care before negoitations even started.
    Not surprising for a president who self described himself as being a “rockefeller” republican to bend the knee to the oligarches and protect the powerful.
    This was after he endorsed thuglican liarman aginst D nominee, LaMont, in Conn.
    No investigations of criminals, civil and war, no truth commissions to hold the guilty responsible or even to go after war criminals ensconced within the Gov. such as Gina Cheri Haspel who destroyed evidence after being told to preserve it.
    What is the upshot the criminals have seized the reins of power and are using it to commit further crimes with impunity.
    What is the lesson you wish to teach that if some one is powerful enough and rich enough that even the President of the US must grant them immunity from any criminal activities? So how is that different from kleptocratic countries and leaders such as Emperor Jean-Bedel Bokassa?
    Would it have been difficult. Yes
    Would it have been messy. Yes
    Would it have inflicted a much damage to the US judicial system and the country as large as turning a blind eye to crimenals and allowing them to keeptheir ill gotten gains. NO
    Failure to prosecute those criminals is a precedent this maladministration is counting on a they loot the country and destroy any faith in thejudicial sytem.
    By not prosecuting them he joined Leona Helmsey in her opinion that laws nd taxes are for the “little people’ and that once an individual aicheves a certain level of power and wealth anything goes since their is no law or legal system that will hold them accountable.
    So yes with his attitude that he “wanted to move forward and not look back” was an act of political cowardice and a violation of his oath to uphold the laws and constitution.

  21. k

    Well said. We basically have a one party system with the Democrats being a slightly better version in that they allow the lower and middle classes a few more crumbs. However, by and large they answer to the same masters, meaning prosecution of prior administrations is off the table. There are some really good people in the party, but they do not control the levers of power.

  22. Well said indeed. Especially “If we never did anything that had not been done before nothing would change.’
    But self described, and Cornel West described are 2 different things.
    Lots of folks like to point out that our current situation is systemically stacked in favor of the 1%.
    While apparently not realizing the magnitude of that reality.
    Are there things I wish Obama had done, done differently, or not done? Of course.
    I imagine he’d say so too. But considering that magnitude, it’s amazing to me he got anything done at all.
    But cowardice?

  23. WA Skeptic says:

    Watching the various things that are done, much less posited, and I’ve begun to wonder “who is thinking all this stuff up”? It seems as if someone else is trying their best to ruin the cohesive and collective things that hold us together as a nation. I know we’re a pretty wildly unorganized group of cats to be herding, but it’s worked pretty well up until now.

    I hope we, as a nation, can hold it together until Jan. 2021

  24. Buttermilk Sky says:

    I’m not expecting much in the way of federal action against the Trump-Kushner crime family, even if Kamala Harris becomes AG. New York AG Leticia James, on the other hand, probably has the grand jury already sworn in. It was New York that shut down trump’s phony “foundation,” and I’m sure there are plenty of other crimes within her jurisdiction.

  25. Sandridge says:

    These f’ing ‘medals’ with the names of tRump-Pence on them stink worse than those Brooklyn U-Haul trucks stuffed with rotting COVID19 corpses.
    The only suitable place to put one of them [or a dozen] is shoved up a Rethuglikan’s ass.

    And that’s the most polite thing I can write about these latest WHGS trinkets. Loading a ton of them into a warhead and dropping them on… would be my next less polite thought.

  26. Personally I would recommend Wa. State AG Fergusan for AG, nothing against NY AG but I expect/hope that she will have her hand full prosecuting the crime family’s on state charges after they are booted out of DC.
    Fergusan has taken on referedum for profit fraudster, tim eyeman, and ignored recommended symbolic slap on the wrist penalty for Facebook for violating Wa. state campaign laws on issue of transperency.
    After first trying to work with Facebook on an accomadation ( Facebook agreed not run any politicl ads in Wa. state) which Facebook flaunted he is hauling them into state court.
    He also just got record judgement against grocers assoc. on their laundering of funds to oppose a consumer iniative that had made it onto ballot.
    What with his greater exposure to environmental issues ( logging, Fishing, mining etc) I just prefer him.
    1 term as US AG then return to Wa. state as next Gov. after Inslee’s 3rd term (this cycle).
    I maintain Obama’s cowardice in allowing bankers and war criminals to skate with out even an investigation is when he contributed to the demented one theft of the WH
    To many people were outraged by the immunity he bestowed upon the rich and powerful while hillary with her attendence at the orange gibbons wedding, her apperent obeisance to a war criminal ( kissinger) when she made the act of going to him and symbolicaly kissing his ring immediately after the D convention just reinforced the image of her protecting and envious worshipping the wealthy and powerful.
    Was that a “reality” who knows but the image and symbolism was enough to alienaite many lower informtion voters who might have lost much in 2008 while watching the banks etc profit from their loss and then get further gov. bail outs that she voted for while in the Senate.
    So yes his failure to even have a blue ribbon panel to investigate the crimes of the previous admin. and the bankers was an act of political cowardice.

  27. Rather then to reimmerse ourselves in the history of failure I would prefer that we use the lessons of the past to push Joe away from his aapperent path of surrender to thuglican policies and framing.
    Dump Larry Summers from any role or access.
    Single answer for any question on this administrations policies that do NOT demand an immediate answer, i.e. “opening” up the economy.
    That answer should be along the lines of
    “Every decision and action by this klepto-administration is suspect and will be reviewed in depth. If wrong doing is discovered there will be prosecutions no matter the rank or position of the criminals.
    Just obeying orders is catagorically rejected as a defense of bad actions.”
    Go from that.

  28. The Surly Professor says:

    I gotta say, I first read that as part of the “Historic Mistakes in President’s History Collection”.

    And while it’s known that organization is not officially part of the white house, does anyone doubt that baby Donald gets his cut of profits from it? He’s such a grifter that I would bet he buys them with White House upkeep money, then gives them away to people he likes … while pocketing 50% of the money.

  29. The Surly Professor says:

    Someone stop me! I read down to the bottom of that ridiculous WH gift shop page, and found:

    [publishing soon] GENIUS MAKES ITS OWN RULES with a Monograph “President Donald J. Trump: A Study in Genius”

    No further comment needed.
